Ï UNICEF Runs Training Seminar for Healthcare Workers

UNICEF Runs Training Seminar for Healthcare Workers

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UNICEF Runs Training Seminar for Healthcare Workers
A five-day training seminar is being held in Ashgabat for medical professionals of Turkmenistan. It focuses on improving the quality of maternal and newborn care and is led by UNICEF consultants from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (Great Britain) Manasi Patil and Helen Muhenje Nabwera.

In the course of the seminar, the international experts briefed Turkmen specialists on the delivery of quality medical services, modern treatments and care for mothers and newborn children, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Manasi Patil, who is doing a Master’s degree at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, has highlighted that the work done by neonatologists and pediatricians plays a crucial role in building a healthier nation.

The training seminar, which aims at increasing professional competence, will continue until April 19. Seminar participants will also visit the capital’s specialized medical centers to see the daily work of neonatal and pediatric care departments.