Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: we are happy to work with Korea on the Turkmen market

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: we are happy to work with Korea on the Turkmen market

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Speaking to those present during the visit to the polymer plant in Kiyanly, the President of Turkmenistan thanked all the specialists and builders, who took part in the creation of this large gas and chemical complex.

According to the President of Turkmenistan, over the years, Korean companies have made a significant contribution to the development of the chemical and energy industry of Turkmenistan. The commissioning of this gas chemical complex vividly testifies to the close cooperation with the Republic of Korea.

The gas processing complex that has no analogues in the region in terms of capacity, is extremely important for the further dynamic development of the national economy, its diversification. It will contribute to the comprehensive industrialization of our country, increasing exports of high-quality products in demand on the domestic and global markets.

A wide range of products is produced from granulated high-density polyethylene: films of various thicknesses, sheet thermoplastics, pipes of different diameters, packaging materials, threads for artificial carpets, household goods, furniture, toys, etc.

As is known, at present, large-scale programs are being implemented in our country with the aim to digitize the national economy, create a diversified industrial complex, as well as introduce advanced technologies in all sectors. In this area, Turkmenistan closely cooperates with leading international companies.

“We will be glad to work with the representatives of Korean business, large companies that build facilities using the most advanced technologies, taking into account the environmental component, train qualified personnel and are interested in an effective and long-term partnership in the promising Turkmen market”, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.