Ï Outcomes of 20 years of cooperation between Turkmenistan and OSCE are summed up

Outcomes of 20 years of cooperation between Turkmenistan and OSCE are summed up

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The Foreign Ministry hosted the conference on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Centre of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Ashgabat. The events under this celebration are held under slogan “Twenty Years in Action!”

Representatives of international organizations like the UN, EU, OSCE, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan as well as leaders and specialists of some departments of our country, public organizations and mass media took part in the forum.

The conference became some sort of the platform for summing up of 20 years of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the OSCE. Being full member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, our country steadily fulfils the obligations standing for positive influence on the world development process.

Thomas Greminger, the OSCE Secretary General, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd, Chargé d'affaires of the European Union in Turkmenistan Lubomir Frebort, First Secretary of Permanent Delegation of Slovakia under the OSCE Tomáš Bican and other expressed sincere gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the input of our country to the expansion of fruitful partnership with the states of European region and international organization as well as for the transparency of constructive dialog.

High level of existing bilateral and multilateral cooperation and big potential for its intensification have been noted. Today, the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat cooperates with more than fifty government structures, educational facilities, public organizations and mass media.

In her speech, Natalya Drozd highlighted that Turkmenistan and the OSCE gives great importance to further expansion of fruitful partnership on the principles of mutual respect, understanding and aim at full format dialog on current subjects of the present. Development of bilateral cooperation has not only increased the number of joint projects but also made the themes of these project to be more various, the Head of the Centre in our country said.

Speaking of the importance of the work that has been done for all these years, the participants of the meeting noted positive results of consolidated efforts in solution of the main issues. It includes the implementation of the 2030 Global Agenda on sustainable development, creation and implementation of the mechanisms of provision of regional and global energy security, systems of sustainable transport, solution of the problems of Aral Sea, peaceful regulation of the situation in Afghanistan, protection of human rights, combating of terrorism, illegal drug, weapon and human trafficking as well as support and promotion of ecological projects.

Our country comprehensively supports the intent of the OSCE to strengthening of peace and stability, expansion of form of interstate cooperation.