Ï President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan

President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan

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President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan
President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan
President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan
President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan
President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan
President of the Republic of Korea highly evaluates the quality of polymer products manufactured in Turkmenistan
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in visited the largest in the region gas chemical complex in Kiyanly, built with the participation of large Korean companies - LG and Hyundai.

Getting acquainted with the technological capacities of the enterprise, the leaders of the two countries evaluated the range and quality of products manufactured at the polymer plant.

As is known, the demand for polypropylene and polyethylene grows all around the world due to their unique properties - lightness, durability, environmental friendliness, resistance to high temperatures. Thanks to the development of innovative technologies, their applications widely expands.

That is vividly proved by the exhibition of samples of the products manufactured at the gas chemical complex in Kiyanly, which showcased the technological possibilities of production and the prospects for its development.

The President of Turkmenistan and the President of the Republic of Korea examined the product samples. Among them are pipe products of a wide profile, packaging materials and containers, films of various thickness, synthetic yarn for manufactured carpets and floor coverings, household accessories, furniture, children's toys, etc.

The polypropylene yarn carpets made in the national ornamental style attracted the special attention of President Moon Jae-in. The Head of the Republic of Korea expressed admiration with the quality and design of manufactured carpets.