Ï The President of Turkmenistan gives high assessment to the perspectives of Turkmen – Korean dialog

The President of Turkmenistan gives high assessment to the perspectives of Turkmen – Korean dialog

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After the negotiations and signing ceremony of Turkmen – Korean documents, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Moon Jae-in made a statement for the press.

Commenting on the outcomes of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan expressed the gratitude to his Korean colleague for constructive and fruitful talks.

Turkmen leader noted that condition and perspectives of bilateral relations, subjects of regional and international politics have been discussed and directions of further cooperation have been outlined. The sides highly appreciated perspectives of interstate dialog and spoke for its activation.

The commitment of two countries to the solution of international issues including conflict situations only by political and diplomatic methods based on the standards of international law and the UN Charter has been highlighted.

Important place was given to the discussion of trade and economic partnership during the talks. The sides have come to common opinion on the necessity of making of the conditions for expansion of cooperation according to powerful industrial, resource and infrastructural potential of two states.

The positions on expansion of trade, activation of investment policy for the implementation of joint projects in energy and industrial spheres, transport and communication as well as in other directions have been agreed. Intergovernmental Turkmen – Korean Commission for trade, economic, scientific and technological cooperation and partnership collaboration between business communities of two countries are to play an important role in solution of these subjects.

The Head of Turkmenistan noted that energy and transport are strategic directions of bilateral cooperation. Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea have modern transport infrastructure, favourable geographic location, which make the conditions for building of beneficial relations in these spheres. An interesting discussion of the perspectives of involvement of the potential of regional multimodal transport system in the North – South and East – West directions, from the Pacific Ocean to Caspian and Black Seas, from Northern Europe to Persian Gulf has been held in this context.

The Head of the State noted that he offered Korean partners to consider the opportunity of use of port infrastructure of Turkmenistan. There are also good perspectives in ship building sphere.

The agreement on further support and promotion of wide cultural, humanitarian, scientific, educational and sport relations has been achieved at the talks.

Having given high appraisal of high-level meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that significant package of bilateral documents has been signed. It would serve as good foundation for expansion of comprehensive relations.

Turkmenistan pays great attention to the relations with the Republic of Korea. Our countries and nations are connected by the traditions of deep mutual respect, similarity of spiritual values. We carefully protect this heritage and fill it with new content, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The Head of the State expressed the confidence that cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea would be steadily developed in all directions. It meets long-term interests of two countries and nations and is a factor of stability in Central Asia and Asian Pacific region.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed deep gratitude to Korean leader for personal input to the development and strengthening of interstate dialog.

The state visit of the President of the Republic of Korea has confirmed the presence of big potential of cooperation, mutual willingness to make all necessary for its implementation. Having noted that this is the main outcome of the meeting and talks, Turkmen leader addressed the best wishes to friendly Korean nation.