Ï The President of the Republic of Korea outlines the perspectives of Turkmen – Korean dialog

The President of the Republic of Korea outlines the perspectives of Turkmen – Korean dialog

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Speaking for the press after the talks and signing of the package of Turkmen – Korean documents, President Moon Jae-in expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for cordial welcome.

This is my first visit to Central Asia after my appointment to the post of the President and I think it is very important that Turkmenistan is the first country in the rank of planned visit, - the Head of the Republic of Korea said.

Turkmenistan has reached high level of social and economic development and made big contribution to the achievement of peace and prosperity in the region for the years of independence, Moon Jae-in highlighted, having expressed the respect to the fortitude and commitment of Turkmen people.

First of all, we have common vision of the perspectives of prosperity of Eurasian continent. For achievement of these goals, Korea promotes new northern policy and Turkmen side expressed the support to this strategy today. I highly appreciate the efforts of Turkmenistan for making of the country as transit and transport hub of regional and continental significance. We agreed to consolidate the efforts for promotion of integration processes in Eurasia, - Moon Jae-in noted.

Speaking of priorities of bilateral cooperation, the President of the Republic of Korea outlined the sphere of culture and education.

We have come to single opinion about the expansion of the programme of study of Korean language and opening of Sijo School in Turkmenistan as well as have agreed to expand the opportunity for Turkmen student to have practical training in our country. I hope for activation of the contacts in cultural, art, tourism, educational and sport spheres for the nations of two countries would be able to know and understand better each other, - Moon Jae-in noted.

The President of the Republic of Korea also said that construction of big petrochemical complex has been completed last year in Kiyanly, Balkan Velayat and this is the evidence that Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea are efficient partners, high-ranking guest said, having expressed the hope that Korean companies would participate in the projects in fuel and energy sector promoted by the Government of Turkmenistan more actively.

Today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that great importance would be given to the cooperation with Korean companies. This is great support for us. Actively using existing potential, we would continue the cooperation and implementation of the projects, which would be the second and third Kiyanly, - the President of the Republic of Korea said.

The sides agreed to consolidate the efforts in training of personnel in industrial, fuel and energy spheres under support of Korean Plant Industry Association and Korean Institute of Industrial Technologies. Our country will train highly qualified engineers, exchange the information improving economic competiveness by this.

The agreement in activation of the partnership in health protection and digital technologies spheres has also been reached. It is directly related to the wealth and health of the citizens. In this context, Moon Jae-in highlighted the importance of the project of development of the system of electronic health protection including distant medicine.

The Republic of Korea was the first in the world to start the commercialization of 5G technologies. The country takes leading positions in development of information and communication technologies. Based on the Memorandum of Understanding for Information and Communication Technologies, our country would be able to take part the expansion of digital infrastructure of Turkmenistan, - Moon Jae-in said

The Leader of friendly country has also stated with delight the similarity of the approaches to the solution of ecological problems and expressed the gratitude to Turkmenistan for the decision to become a members of the Global Institute of Green Growth. I hope that cooperation in ecological sphere including the problem of Aral Sea would be the contribution to stability and prosperity of Central Asia.

The Heads of two countries have also agreed on cooperation in the subjects of achievement of peace and prosperity of Korean Peninsula.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed the support to the Government of the Republic of Korea for denuclearization of Korean Peninsula and establishment of peace. Turkmenistan support is very important for us, - President Moon Jae-in said, having expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader.

The President of the Republic of Korea has also expressed the respect to the efforts of Turkmenistan for establishment of peace in the region, stabilization of the situation in Afghanistan. Using the platform of the forum “The Republic of Korea – Central Asia”, we would be able to bring the positions closer and to activate the cooperation, - President Moon Jae-in said.

I am confident that today’s meeting would give an important impulse to interstate cooperation and rapprochement of people of our countries, the Head of the Republic of Korea highlighted in the end.