Ï The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant

The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant

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The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
The Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea visit largest in the region polymeric plant
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Korea, who is currently on the state visit in our country, have visited the largest industrial facility of Caspian region – polymeric plant in Kiyanly settlement.

In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov flew out of Turkmen capital to Turkmenbashy where the Head of the State was met by the officials in the International Airport.

After some time, the aircraft of the President of the Republic of Korea has landed in the airport of the coastal city. High-rank guest received all due honours. The President of Turkmenistan has warmly greeted his foreign colleague. The Heads of the State have exchanged friendly handshakes.

Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Moon Jae-in sat in the minivan. From the airport, the motorcade of the Heads of the states went to Kiyanly settlement where polymeric plant has been opened last autumn.

This super modern petrochemical complex has been built by the request of the State Concern Türkmengaz by Korean LG International Corp and Hyundai Engineering with the participation of TOYO Engineering Corporation from Japan.

Upon the arrival in the plant, the Heads of the State went to the tent, which was built on the territory of the complex. There was a brief presentation, during which the Director of the plant and Head of the project from Hyundai Engineering introduced the capabilities of the facility to high-rank guests. The presentation was accompanied by the video.

It was mentioned that production capabilities of super modern complex allow processing 5 billion cubic meters of gas per year and by this, producing 386,000 tons of high-density polyethylene and 81,000 tons of polypropylene. After extraction of methane and propane from natural gas, which are used for manufacturing of this production, remained 4.5 billion cubic meters of sale gas are sent by pipeline to be used as a fuel.

The plant has equipment bought from Japan, the Republic of Korea, USA, UK, Belgium, Germany, Denmark and other European countries. It has four technological lines – gas separation, ethanol processing, polyethylene and polypropylene production units. All processes are automated and operated from central control room.

At present time, this facility is one of the biggest petrochemical plants of the world. More 120 Korean companies including construction, material and equipment manufacturing companies took part in the implementation of this project. Up to 13,000 people was working there in the peak of construction.

The project was started in November 2014 and completed in the end of September 2018. After successful operational test runs, polymeric plant in Kiyanly was handed over the customer – the State Concern Türkmengaz. At present time, Hyundai Engineering provides consultation services for provision of reliable operation of the plant.

The facility produces seven types of polyethylene and five types of polypropylene, which are made by injection of various additives and filling substances to polymeric material under high temperature. This process, which is referred to as a compounding, gives opportunity to modify the main characteristics of polymeric item.

Addressing the participants, the President of Turkmenistan expressed the gratitude to all specialists and construction personnel who participated in building of this big petrochemical complex.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight that Korean companies make significant contribution to development of chemical and energy industry of Turkmenistan for many years. Opening of another modern petrochemical complex for production of polyethylene and polypropylene is the reflection of close cooperation and growing friendship between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea.

This complex for processing of gas, which has no analogues by its production capacity in the region, is very important for further dynamic development of national economy and its diversification supporting integrated industrialization of our country, growing of export of high quality production, which is on high demand in local and foreign markets.

We would be glad to welcome representative of Korean business, big companies, which build large facilities with the implementation advanced technologies, taking into account ecological component, make training of qualified personnel and which are interested in efficient, reliable and long term partnership in perspective Turkmen market, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Having again expressed the gratitude to everyone for work, the Head of the State wished the participants success in their activity as well as strong health and prosperity.

The floor was given to the President of the Republic of Korea. Having expressed sincere gratitude for warm welcome on the day before, the guest also thanked President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for joint trip.

Mr Moon Jae-in highlighted that he is glad to visit petrochemical complex in Kiyanly, which construction became a new page in the history of economic cooperation of two countries.

The President of the Republic of Korea noted further that petrochemical complex in Kiyanly became mega project in the sphere of energy production after the establishment of diplomatic relations between our states.

The Head of the Republic of Korea has made special mention on high level of occupational safety of this facility.

Not only big but also 124 small and medium companies took part in the implementation of this project. Korean company has also opened training centre for welding technologies and electrical works, where 230 Turkmen specialists had training.

The complex in Kiyanly is just the beginning of bilateral economic cooperation, which potential is not just great, it has no limits, Mr Moon Jae-in said. This potential is not only in natural resources of Turkmenistan but also in the diversification of its petrochemical industry, creation of facilities making high added value production.

In the memory of current event, the Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korean took photos with personnel of the plant.

During the conversation, the participants expressed deep gratitude to Turkmen leader for construction of modern production facility of petrochemical industry with comfort conditions for work of personnel.

In their turn, Korean specialists expressed the gratitude to the Head of Turkmenistan for the attention and support rendered during the project implementation.

After, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Moon Jae-in entered the territory of the plant. Along their way, the Heads of the state looked around the main technological units and engineering installations, which impress by their scale.

Significant part of export production is sent from Turkmenistan to foreign countries by sea. For these purpose, specialized terminal for storage and shipment of polypropylene has been built in Turkmenbashy International Port.

Diversification of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan would be continued according to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025. Construction of new petrochemical complexes for production of synthetic gasoline, rubber, polystyrene, methyldiethanolamine, polyvinyl acetate and other polymers is among the projects planned for the implementation.

After, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Moon Jae-in went to hall where the exhibition of polymeric production made in Turkmenistan has been expanded.

Particularly, production of pipes, plastic dishware, textile thread, which are used for weaving carpets, ropes, packing ropes and many other items was arranged from local polyethylene and polypropylene.

Production of bi-axially oriented polypropylene film (BOPP), ordinary and three-layer, with the width of 10, 20 and 30 microns, has been arranged. Depending on the thickness, BOPP film can be used as packing material in food, textile, pharmaceutical, perfume, cosmetic industry, agriculture and other branches.

In general, all of these has big sale market both inside the country and in foreign countries.

Special attention of Korean leader was attracted by bright ornamented carpets made of polymeric fibre.

President Moon Jae-in highly appreciated the level of technical and technological provision of the facility. Having expressed the gratitude to inspect the activity of petrochemical giant, the Head of the Republic of Korea noted the presence of big perspectives for beneficial cooperation of two countries in oil and gas sphere.

After, having said warm goodbye to the participants, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Moon Jae-in left Kiyanly and went along Avaza National tourist zone.

Located on eco-friendly coast of Caspian sea, the world-class resort is very popular in our country and raise growing interest abroad. Network of modern facilities, which absorbed the traditions of national architecture and the best world practice, forms up magnificent architectural ensemble of Avaza. It has high-class hotels, children health improving centres cottage towns, sanatoriums, yacht clubs, multiprofile sport complexes.

The territory of tourist zone is crossed by 7-km navigable river. Its banks have panned zone with amphitheatres, interactive fountains, cafes and restaurants, piers for pleasure boats, parks and public gardens. Green dress of the resort matches white-marble original buildings, golden beaches and blue colour of sea making an impressive image of ‘garden city’.

New Turkmenbashy International Airport, motor roads, powerful gas turbine power station, desalination plant have been built under the development of resort infrastructure of coastal region. Big perspectives were opened after the putting of super modern International Port into operation in May last year.

Today, our country becomes an important transport hub of the region and turns into big international logistic centre due to favourable geographic location and constructive foreign policy. For this purpose, transport infrastructure meeting international standards is made in the country.

Shipping plays one of the important roles in the development of transport services. New sea gates of Turkmenistan are not only to satisfy growing requirements of our country in maritime lines but also to open new capabilities for intensification of cargo transportation in Eurasian space.

Advanced infrastructure of new Turkmenbashy International Seaport will satisfy this requirement with qualitative proposal and high-class service. Its operation will result to strategic changes in logistic chains of continental cargo transportations, which important links will be Turkmen transit terminals as the most optimum for short and beneficial routes.

Having arrived in Turkmenbashy International Airport, the Heads of the states exchanged the wishes of success and, having addressed the nations of two countries the wishes of peace and prosperity, said warm goodbye to each other.

Having finished the programme of the state visit to Turkmenistan, the President of the Republic of Korea left our country.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left for the capital from Turkmenbashy International Airport.