Ï Gas Congress 2019: Platform for diversification of supply of energy carriers abroad

Gas Congress 2019: Platform for diversification of supply of energy carriers abroad

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Less than a month left until X International Gas Congress, which would bring together key players of global energy market in Avaza National tourist zone on Caspian Coast. Preparation to this important event, which forms up the base for further decisions, search for new investment capabilities and ways of reformation of this strategic sphere, is well under way.

The President of Turkmenistan focuses the attention of top management of fuel and energy complex on the importance of business profile forums of international level and notes big significance of exhibition and congress activity for popularization of the activities in national development, attraction of investments and growth of export potential of the country.

From this point of view, Gas Congress has become recognized competent discussion platform for the past years. The most current subjects and tendencies in exploration, production and processing of hydrocarbons, international technological, trade and economic, political and diplomatic collaboration in this segment are discussed on professional, management and expert level, which are the priority of energy strategy of Turkmen leader.

Anniversary Turkmenistan Gas Congress 2019, for participation in which high-rank officials of foreign states, scientific and research community, academic and financial institutes, top managers of big profile companies and transnational holdings have been already registered, would have special status based on the geography and status of the delegates. The participants include Hyundai Engineering, Kawasaki, Shell, Petronas, Gaffney, Cline and Associates, NAPECO, Vitol, CNPC, Dragon Oil, ENI, Buried Hill and many other companies.

Submission of applications for the participation in the forum is continued; the expansion of the forum is growing every day, which indicates huge interest to Turkmenistan as to energy power in the world.

Work Programme of the Congress is built on the assignments of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the development of interstate cooperation in gas sphere, modernization and digitization of national fuel and energy complex, diversification of supplies of energy carriers, national and regional gas transport infrastructure, training of personnel, etc.

High interest in the Congress is provided mainly by the fact that today, the share of gas in the structure of the world consumption of hydrocarbons is steadily growing unlike another energy carriers. Therefore, the intent of leading companies of the planet to establish close cooperation with our country in gas sphere is quite logical. Moreover, modern Turkmenistan confidently positions itself as one of the most perspective partners among biggest suppliers of energy carriers to the world markets.

Participation of members of the Government, heads of profile state concerns and scientific and research centres in the forum increases informational status of the event where the latest data, information and analytical reviews are presented and next steps in development of gas industry in our country are announced.

At the session of the Government on April 2019, the Head of the State made special mention of the implementation of major investment projects in energy, efficient use of the richest hydrocarbons resources of the country. In this context, large-scale work, which is carried out for the development of the deposits of Uzynada Field located in the west of Turkmenistan in coastal zone of Caspian Sea, has been mentioned.

The perspectives of development of this field with big reserves of raw material are great, the President said. The well, which was drilled in this field, is the deepest in Central Asia and relative work in the nearest future would give an opportunity to implement significant potential of national oil and gas complex, the Head of the State noted.

Presentation of new investment projects of Turkmenistan in gas and petrochemical industry, in which development gas processing and carbamide plant in Garabogaz and polymeric plant in Kiyanly, which was visited by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with Head of Korea Moon Jae-in few days ago, opened in 2018 have become important steps, would be held during X International Gas Congress. During his first state visit to our country, high-rank guest said about the intent of leading companies of the Republic of Korea in participation in future projects in Turkmenistan and in construction similar industrial high technological complexes.

Initiatives of Turkmen leader for diversification of foreign supplies of energy carriers for sustainable development will be the main leitmotif of Gas Congress on May 21 – 22. In this aspect, strategic Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas pipeline is included as separate subject to the agenda of the forum.

The experts are also going to discuss different strategies of improvement of production, processing and transportation of gas using intellectual technologies. At the same time, the discussions on attraction of direct foreign investments for implementation of long-term projects in exploration and integrated processing of hydrocarbon resources and petrochemical production of high added value will be held with interested oil and gas companies on the fields of the forum.

Implementing these projects, Turkmenistan not only strengthens its positions in the world energy market as major suppliers of energy carriers but also changes the character of its presence at this market by the diversification of trade structure of energy export, active development of international energy dialog.

At present time, explored reserves of hydrocarbons of Turkmenistan are counted in million tons of oil and trillions cubic meters of gas, which would be enough for guaranteed provision of local consumers and export for many years. In this regard, gas diplomacy of Turkmenistan is aimed at the creation of conditions for sustainable development of Eurasian continent and the world in general.