Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with the participation of the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers who is in charge of agricultural complex, and hyakims of the capital and velayats, having discussed current issues of social and economic development of the country, seasonal agricultural works as well as preparation to remarkable dates.

First, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev who reported on the situation in the capital, in particular about large-scale work, which was expanded for development of the etraps of the city and preparation to summer season.

It was also reported on the measures for timely completion of urban construction projects and compliance of the buildings, which are currently under construction, with requested parameters.

In addition, the Hyakim informed about cultural programme of National Turkmen Horse Celebration, which would be offered to the citizens and guests of Ashgabat.

Having noted that condition of the main city of the country has to be exemplary by all parameters, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to hold this work under permanent control, having provided integrated system of activities for support of clean city.

It is necessary to pay close attention to quality of construction works at different facilities built in Ashgabat, the Head of the State said, having noted that safety, reliability, functionality and aesthetic of all buildings and facilities, their comfort for people are the main criteria in this case. The instructions on organization of the events in honour of National Turkmen Horse Holiday have also been given.

Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev reported to the Head of the State about seasonal campaign at agricultural fields of the region, measures for acceleration of the rate of cotton sowing, mineral fertilization of the fields and vegetation irrigation of the fields under wheat. Sowing of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops is carried out as per agrotechnical standards. In addition, the Hyakim informed about the programme of public events on occasion of the celebration of coming remarkable dates.

Having listened to the report, the President gave number of specific assignments to the Head of regional administration on cultivation of future yield of winter crops, provision of the farm involved in cotton sowing with all necessary resources as well as on implementation of scientific technologies and innovative methods aimed at the enhancement of the culture of farming and popularization of the best practice in this sphere.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of timely technical and material preparation to wheat harvest, having ordered to organize an active work at sites.

At the same time, the solution of social issues in rural area cannot be ignored, Turkmen leader said and demanded the Hyakim to hold the construction of infrastructural facilities in the region under permanent control. The Head of the State addressed the Hyakim with the instructions on the events dedicated to legendary Turkmen horses.

Video conference session was continued by the Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya. Gylyjov who reported on the course of cotton sowing, condition of the fields under wheat, which undergo mineral fertilization at present time, as well as on the works in livestock farms of the region.

According to the report, grain producers of the velayat have started preparing to wheat mowing. Other agricultural works are carried out on organized level. Measures for acceleration of the implementation of the projects related to construction of new settlement near Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake are taken. Cultural programme on occasion of National Turkmen Horse Celebration was also prepared.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of permanent control of the quality of spring field works, efficient use of the equipment, compliance with agrotechnical standards for care of wheat and cotton sowing. Separate instruction was given for cultivation of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops.

The Head of the State has focused on the importance of organized start of the construction of new modern village, which would appear in the area of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare comprehensively and to large-scale construction works on scientific base, to lay down the formation of proper social and living infrastructure and ecologically oriented production infrastructure in this place, the President said.

The Head of the State also requested to provide high level of celebration events on occasion of coming remarkable dates.

Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on the situation in the region, current cotton sowing campaign, agrotechnical events at the fields under wheat, growing of other agricultural crops as well as reported on the preparation of lands allocated for cultivation of rice.

In addition, the Hyakim informed about the construction of various facilities in the velayat and preparation to the events of National Turkmen Horse Holiday.

Correct organization of field works, where sowing and harvesting are the most painstaking, occupies an important place in the formation of the harvest of such strategic crops as wheat and cotton.

In this context, the President demanded the Hyakim to enforce the coordination of sowing campaign at sites and to start comprehensive preparation to the wheat harvest. The Head of the State gave instruction on cultivation of lands for rice using technologies and innovative approach, which were proven by the time. The President also gave orders on organization of public events in honour of Turkmen horse in the velayat.

After, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev who reported on the rates of cotton sowing, care of agricultural crops, cultivation of soil at the fields allocated for rice. At the same time, proper agrotechnical activities for sowing of fruits, vegetables and cucurbitaceous crops are taken.

The Hyakim informed about the preparation to wheat harvest including technical inspection of harvesters and transport. Preparation to the beginning of construction of new settlements is ongoing in number of etraps. It was informed about the programme of events of National Turkmen Horse Celebration.

The Head of the State has focused on the utmost objectives of agro industrial complex of the region including on successful completion of cotton and other crops sowing. It was ordered to provide necessary equipment and resources to rice producing farms, which join spring field campaign.

The President of Turkmenistan addressed the Hyakim with the assignments for preparation to grain harvest season, control of quality of the facilities in the velayat as well as on celebration events dedicated to ahalteke horses.

In his turn, Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on the situation in the region, agrotechnical activities at the fields under wheat, course of cotton sowing and on agricultural crops that yet to be produced in the velayat.

The Hyakim also reported on the preparation to grain harvest season, construction works in the velayat, measures for organized conduct of National Turkmen Horse celebration. It was mentioned that cultural programme of celebration events has been prepared.

Having listened to the report, the President requested to accelerate the rates of work in the fields of the velayat. It is necessary to inspect grain reception facilities, harvesters and transport under the preparation to harvest campaign.

The Head of the State has also noted that it is important to hold the construction of facilities in the velayat under permanent control. Having focused on the necessity to hold National Turkmen Horse Holiday on high organizational level.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev. The Vice-premier reported on the works in the agricultural fields of the country, particularly on the measures for improvement of work of irrigation systems, improvement of land fertility, implementation of scientific achievements and advanced practice in the industry.

The Vice-premier has focused on the subjects of organization of National Turkmen Horse Celebration. It was informed that various cultural events, thematic contests and competitions have been prepared.

Having listened to the report, the head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to improve the system of irrigation in all parts of the country and to apply modern methods for its rations use.

It is also necessary to study in details the capabilities of enhancement of cotton production, especially fine fibre cotton, improvement of selection activity, scientifically grounded organization of crops rotation on sites taking into account specific soil and climate conditions.

Having highlighted the subject of celebration events in honour of Turkmen horses, the President demanded to provide high organizational level of planned activities aimed at further development of equestrian sphere of the country and fruitful international cooperation in this field.

It was highlighted that this holiday, which plays an important role in enhancement of the world glory of legendary Turkmen horses, has to be deserving frame for such masterpiece as ahalteke horse.

Having noted special status of the events organized under the celebration, the Head of the State signed the Resolution on international beauty contest of ahalteke horses as well as on the contest of artistic image of horse.

Having sent this document to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system, the President gave instruction on its fulfilment.

Finishing video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of the subjects reviewed at the session, having requested to put necessary efforts for efficient solution of set objectives.

This is the main condition of social and economic development of the country in general and on the level of regions and capital, the Head of the State said, having wished strong health, family prosperity and success in work to the participants.