Ï Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation

Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation

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Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
Turkmenistan and Great Britain activate trade and economic cooperation
The Yildyz Hotel of the capital hosted the 7th session of Turkmen – British Trade and Economic Council. Representative delegation chaired by the member of the Parliament of Lords of Great Britain, Trade Representative of the Prime Minister of the country Duchess Emma Nicolson has to come to Turkmenistan for participation in session.

Composition of British delegation included top managers and representatives of profile organizations and famous companies specialized in different spheres. There were UK Export Finance, British Petroleum, Bloomberg LP, De La Rue, Petrofac, Rolls-Royce, Promethean World, United Insurance Brokers, JCB, Ed Broking, Shel, Buried Hill, Edgen Murray Europe Ltd, Ethos Energy, Weir Oil and Gas, Hermes Datacomms, Bristow Helicopters, Summit Conferences and Exhibitions Ltd, Expo, Intensive School of English and other companies among them. Representatives of financial and economic section, number of ministries and departments, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs took part in the session from Turkmen side.

The session of the Council started work in the format of plenary session, during which steadfast character of the partnership, which has wide perspectives for further development of beneficial contacts in such priority spheres as fuel and energy complex, trade, economic and financial sections, transport and communications, agriculture, education, has been highlighted. At the same time, the presence of huge capabilities and mutual potential for significant expansion of foreign trade relations including by the implementation of new investment projects has been stated.

It was mentioned that 27 companies with the participation of British capital and 180 investment projects with the participation of British companies to total amount above 1.7 billion US dollars are registered in our country. Activity of Turkmen – British Trade and Industrial Council, which outlines the main vectors of joint work, makes big input to the activation of interstate cooperation.

More than 200 major investment projects are implemented in the country. the course to fundamental modernization of national economy provided the expansion of beneficial partnership with foreign countries. At the same time, implementation of advanced technologies and high technology equipment, creation of innovative production facilities and digitization are the main goals. In this case, cooperation with British companies can find specific practical application in Turkmenistan.

Fuel and energy sphere has been outlined as one of the main vectors of Turkmen – British cooperation. At present, construction of transnational Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line (TAPI) is a priority project in this case. Supply of Turkmen gas to European direction, in particular the project of Trans Caspian gas pipeline, interest to which has been demonstrated by many countries, is also reviewed.

Processing and petrochemical industries are dynamically developed in Turkmenistan together with production segment of fuel and energy complex. Modern industrial infrastructure targeted to opening of new production facilities working on advanced technologies and able to make high quality production, which meets international standards and demanded on foreign markets, is formed up.

Chemical industry, which facilities make various production that is on high demand, seems to be a perspective branch for cooperation. Resource capability of Turkmenistan including huge gas reserves allow making all variety of mineral including nitric fertilizers.

Transport and communication sphere was also outlined among priority directions of Turkmen – British cooperation. Big opportunities are opened for cooperation in this segment for Turkmenistan and Great Britain. Construction of Turkmenbashy International Port has been completed in May last year. Use of its logistic capabilities can be attractive for British and European business circles in general, which aims to expand and strengthen their presence in Central Asian and Caspian regions. Participation of the partners from Europe in implementation of transport corridors such as Lapis Lazuli, Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan – Iran – Oman, Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Romania seems to be perspective.

In addition, vast field for fruitful cooperation is opened in such high technological spheres as telecommunication and information technologies, agro industrial complex and education.

Members of the delegation of friendly country confirmed the interest of British side in further development of trade and economic cooperation and close business contacts with Turkmenistan, which Great Britain sees as an important partner in Central Asia.

During the session, British partners has also been introduced with the spheres of activity of Turkmen entrepreneurs and capabilities of expansion of productive cooperation between business structures.

Afterwards, the 7th session of Turkmen – British Trade and Industrial council was continued in the format of the section, during which current subjects and perspectives of partnership in energy sector, financial sphere, agriculture as well as in education have been discussed and relative proposals have been presented.

On the same day, meetings and talks with the participation of representatives of both countries took place in the fields of the forum. Priority aspects of bilateral cooperation in different directions have been specified at the meetings.

Memorandum on cooperation in Insurance and Re-insurance between Hazar ätiýaçlandyryş Open Joint Stock Venture (Turkmenistan) and Insurance Broker Ed Broking LLP ( Great Britain) and similar document between the above-mentioned Turkmen company and United Insurance Brokers Ltd (UK) have been signed under the 7th session of Turkmen – British Trade and Industrial Council.

Participants of the forum expressed the confidence that constructive exchange of opinions would give new impulse to the development of the dialog between the countries in economic and humanitarian spheres.

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Head of British delegation, members of the Parliament of Lords of Great Britain, Trade Representative of the Prime Minister of country Emma Nicolson delivered a lecture to the student of International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development.

Members of the delegation of friendly country had an opportunity to visit Abadan Haly Carpet Facility of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.