Ï Turkmenistan to increase the export of fish production

Turkmenistan to increase the export of fish production

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According to the Order of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov from October 12, 2018, the members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have privatized fishery facilities of the country and at present time, the reconstruction and modernization of their equipment and facility base are carried out. It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier Chary Gylyjov on the session of the Government on April 25.

Chilling and freezing storages for 133 tons of fish have been re-constructed and built in Ahal, Dashoguz and Mary Velayats. Investment projects for construction of artificial ponds and fishing hatcheries are implemented for industrial breeding of fish in Ahal, Mary and Lebap Velayat. Modernization of existing facilities for fish processing and works for opening of new facilities of this sphere have been carried out in all regions. Production of 1.5 – 2 tons of fish per week is arranged in Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake. 450 work places have been opened at fishing facilities.

744.6 tons of fish production was made in the result of this activity for January – April 2019, which is much more that in the same period of the last year.

Specialized shops and outlets selling fresh and frozen fish as well as different salt, smoked and canned fish production, the demand on which is always growing, were opened in the velayats and the capital.

Export of canned fish has been arranged - 48 tons of production have been sent abroad for three month of 2019. The works for expansion of the direction of supplies and increment of their volumes are continued.

The Vice-premier has also reported on the implementation of investment projects for establishment of facilities based on innovative technologies in fishing industry. In this regard, the construction of trout farm for 30 tons of fish per year in Baherden etrap, Ahal Velayat, the pounds with insulation from geotextile and geo membrane in Kaahka etrap, facility for breeding f 100 tons of fish per year in Kerky etrap, Lebap Velayat is continued. Facility for processing of fish in under construction in Turkmenabat while commissioning of full cycle of breeding of fish and making of ready-made productionis carried out in Oguzkhan, Mary Velayat. In general, construction of 10 facilities of this industry is continued in the country.

In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of maximum use of existing capabilities for formation of wide network of import substitutive and export oriented facilities and active application of the instruments of marketing economy.