Ï IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held in Ashgabat

IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held in Ashgabat

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IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held in Ashgabat
IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held in Ashgabat
IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held in Ashgabat
IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is held in Ashgabat
IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association chaired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was held in Ashgabat.

In the morning, the President of Turkmenistan came by bicycle to the building of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Head of the State was warmly welcomed by the members of the Government, foreign and Turkmen members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association. Personnel of horse breeding sphere and representatives of mass media.

After the photographing ceremony of the delegates and guests with the President of Turkmenistan, every body went to the conference hall.

Addressing the participants with the words: “Welcome to hospitable, sunny Turkmen land, the home of glorious ahalteke horses!”, the Head of the State congratulated everybody on the start of work of regular IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association. After, the Head of the State continued his speech in Russian language, which is one of the official languages of the UN.

The President noted that current year is held in our country under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity!”, which entirely meets comprehensive and successful development of the state and social life. This is also related to such important sphere as breeding of ahalteke horses, which are famous all around the world.

Representatives of many foreign countries including ahalteke equestrian associations, legal entities and private horse breeders from different parts of the planet became full members of this unique structure from the moment of the foundation of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association. At present time, the Association includes 147 legal entities and individuals from 32 countries of the world and their number grows every year, which reflects expanding scales of cooperation.

The President of Turkmenistan highlighted that the foundation of the Association became an important stage event, which marked new level of the state policy in the sphere of protection and improvement of the traditions of breeding of famous ahalteke horses.

Throughout the centuries, our ancestors paid special attention to breeding of horses, which are sensitive as a human, fast as a wind, which turned into incomparable sample of beauty. As is known, ahalteke horses won the world glory as ‘heaven horses’, which symbolize the model of beauty and grace, which were formed in Turkmen land in the result of people’s selection throughout the millenniums, the Head of the State said.

Turkmen nation carefully preserved and brought good traditions of love and careful attitude to ahalteke horses until our days. Many sayings, legends and catch phrases were made about their beauty and grace, character and devotion.

National Turkmen Horse Holiday, which is observed on the last Sunday of April, indicates deep respect of our nation to their favourite horses and genuine art of breeding. Huge interest to ahalteke horses is indicated by the fact that 300 representatives from different countries participate in current celebration events.

According to the traditions, international ahalteke horse beauty contest, scientific and practical conferences dedicated to topical objectives of horse breeding as well as races and other equestrian competitions are held under the Celebration. Inclusion of equestrian marathon to the programme of sport activities is special feature of last few years, which indicates not only the speed but also stamina of ahalteke horses. In general, all of these support the creation of the conditions for improvement of the world glory of legendary Turkmen horses.

Unique experience of selective work has been gained in the result of paintstaking work of Turkmen horse breeders, the President said. For example, modern horse breeding complex for 600 thoroughbred ahalteke horses successfully operates in Aba Annayev village of Kyarizek Gengeshlyk, Gyoktepe etrap, Ahal Velayat. The complex has relative infrastructure including residential houses for horse breeders and other social facilities.

Infrastructure of International Ahalteke and Ashgabat Equestrian Complexes, which are provided with latest equipment and facilities including polymeric cover of racing tracks has been modernized.

Ashgabat Equestrian Complex was equipped to the level of the world standards for organization of racing and other competitions, the Head of the State continued. It has optimum and comfort conditions for sportsmen and spectators. Last competitions confidently demonstrated high potential of the complex and its compliance with international requirements. The complex has training centre, open and indoor arena for further development of horse breeding industry in the country, racing and other competitions including show jumping and national equestrian games. International Quarantine Centre meeting international standards and designated for 120 horses was built in Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat.

Ahalteke horses are integral part of cultural heritage of Turkmen nation. Speaking of this, the Head of the State made special mention of successful performance of the Galkynysh National equestrian Games Group, which is the winner on numerous international contests and festivals. For example, Turkmen horse riders performed with success at the opening ceremony of international livestock exhibition in the Kingdom of Bahrain in the middle of April this year. In the last year, the Galkynysh Group won Golden Gaetano Prize at the first International Circus Art Festival in Saint Petersburg. This list can be continued.

As is known, such equestrian sport as show jumping has been included to the programme of competitions of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in Ashgabat by the initiative of Turkmenistan. Our sportsmen successfully performed on ahalteke horses in this sport and won the gold.

Turkmenistan pays great attention to the development of different equestrian sports. Young specialists of related profile study in high and secondary professional educational institutes of our country. In addition, such titles as Honoured Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan, Master Jockey of Turkmenistan and People’s Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan, which are conferred to Turkmen and foreign horse breeders, have been instituted for deserved appreciation of the work of horse breeders.

Profile magazine, which was founded by International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, is published. The materials, published in Turkmen, Russian and English languages, speak about the history and traditions, national and world practice of breeding of ahalteke horses.

We would continue appreciating honest work of horse breeders who devoted themselves to our unique horses, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The Head of Turkmenistan stated with delight the fact that interest to ahalteke horses, a unique cultural heritage of Turkmen nation, is growing all around the world, number of connoisseurs and amateurs of our ‘heaven horses’ is increasing and beneficial partnership between Turkmen horse breeders and their foreign colleagues is established.

Having noted special role of the Association in international cooperation in the sphere of ahalteke horse breeding, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that cooperation between the members of this public organization would be strengthened and improved.

We would expand the scale of work for growing ‘heaven horse’, improve the methods of their training passing the practice t younger generation and forming deserving successors of our horse breeders, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

The Head of the State expressed the confidence that current forum would support further popularization of beautiful ahalteke horses and beneficial exchange of practice.

The speech of the President of Turkmenistan was welcomed with great attention by the participants and guests of the forum and was repeatedly interrupted by loud applauses.

Further, the floor was given to the head of equestrian farm “Garagum Ahalteke” (USA) Jessica Elizabeth Kate. Having congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the opening of IX session of International Ahalteke Horse Association, the guest expressed the gratitude for excellent conditions made for fruitful work.

It was mentioned that our country takes unique measures aimed at the enhancement of the prestige and strengthening of the status of ahalteke horses, preservation of purity of the breed, development of equestrian sports as well as in training of relative specialists. Races, equestrian sport competitions, international ahalteke beauty contest in the programme of National Turkmen Horse Celebration are held on the highest level. It serves as another evidence of huge attention that the state pays to the development of ahalteke horse breeding.

At present time, horse breeders of the United States of America actively breed ahalteke horses, organize tournaments, exhibitions and various events, Jessica Elizabeth Ale Kate said, having noted that while being the head of equestrian organizations, she closely cooperates with other USA farms specialized in this field.

Addressing President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Mrs Kate said that due to support of the Head of the State, horse breeders from all over the world are able to visit the homeland of legendary ahalteke horses and to participate in scientific conferences, sessions of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association and celebration events. Exchange of practice between specialists in this sphere supports deeper study of the phenomenon of this unique breed.

Finishing her speech, the guest noted that she personally, as the other members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, would continue making possible input to practical implementation of noble beginnings of Turkmen leader.

Having expressed the guest for her substantive speech, the Head of the State noted that her activity serves as an important input to the development of ahalteke horse breeding on international level.

After, the flor was given to the Honoured Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan, private horse breeder from Austria Marcus Mag Hubmann. Having congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on National Turkmen Horse Holiday, the guest wished strong health, longevity and success in all spheres of activity to the Head of the State.

The businessman said that while being the members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, they participate in the events dedicated to National Turkmen Horse Holiday every year and every time they became the witnesses of that huge attention paid to ahalteke horses in Turkmenistan.

The guest highlighted that European horse breeders give high remarks to ahalteke horses for their grace, endurance, unique characteristics and are very interested in their breeding.

Mr Hubmann said that his love to these ‘heaven’ creatures helped to make his dream, which is to breed ahalteke horses, to come true. At present time, we actively participate in equestrian exhibitions and tournaments and show excellent results. Every day, the number of enthusiasts breeding and training ahalteke horses is growing as these horses are unique due to their endurance, beauty and intelligence, which attracts the spectators in Austria and all over the world to the races.

Special gratitude has been expressed to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as to the head of the Association for targeted efforts put for uniting of all lovers of ahalteke horses and huge contribution in the development of the world equestrian industry. The guest assured that the members of the Association would continue actively participating in the popularisation of ahalteke horses and their glory on international level.

Having expressed the gratitude to the guest for good words and substantive speech, the Head of the State highlighted that Turkmenistan highly appreciates rich experience of Austrian horse breeders. Your care of ahalteke horses deserves deep respect, the President said.

After, the Orders on award of honoured titles «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy» have been read out. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov handed over the awards to our countrymen and foreign citizens in ceremonial atmosphere under loud applauses of the participants of the session.

Upon the completion of the ceremony, Turkmen leader congratulated the winners, having expressed the gratitude for their work for improvement of the world glory of ahalteke horses, and wished them health and new professional success.

After, the Head of the state proposed to make decision on the place of next, anniversary X session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association.

Under applauses of the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov announced that next, X session of the Association will be held in Ashgabat in 2020 and signed relative document.

The President noted that famous experts in horse breeding sphere, scientist with the world names who put all their energy, professionalism, skills and knowledge in breeding of beautiful ahalteke horse took part in the work of current representative forum. The Head of the State expressed the gratitude to our foreign friends who make significant contribution to the development and improvement of ahalteke horse breeding on international level.

Current session of the Association demonstrated with confidence significant growth of the interest in ahalteke horses in the world. the Head of the State highlighted that important aspects of the development of modern ahalteke horse breeding and equestrian sports have been highlighted during current meeting, constructive proposals, which would support fruitful international cooperation, mutual enrichment, share of advanced practice, spreading of the best international experience in this sphere, have been made.

In general, it opens favourable perspectives for comprehensive collaboration in horse breeding sphere on the base of the Association, which significantly expanded for the last few years and received big authority in the world. Considerable success in increment of the livestock, improvement of pedigree characteristics of thoroughbred ahalteke horses and their training has been achieved, which is the merit of the scientist and experts, for who the interest and dedication to the profession is true vocation.

At this point, the President of Turkmenistan announced about the completion of the IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, which became another step in the implementation of single strategy for development of legendary breed around the world and further improvement of the positions of Turkmenistan as big international centre of horse breeding and equestrian sport.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also invited the guests to take part in the events on occasion of National Turkmen Horse Celebration.

After completion of the IX session of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association, the Head of the State said warm goodbye to the participants of the forum and left the place of event.