Ï Number of members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is awarded with honoured titles

Number of members of International Ahalteke Equestrian Association is awarded with honoured titles

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By the Order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov honoured title of «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy» has been awarded for significant input to the development of horse breeding, merits in preservation of breed and productive characteristics of ahalteke horses, popularization of their world glory, professional skills as well as in honour of National Turkmen Horse Holiday to the following:

Jessica Elizabeth Ale Kate, the Head of the Garagum ahalteke Equestrian Farm, the United States of America;

Michelle Josian Henriette Van Kasteren; the Head of the Asman Teke Ahalteke Equestrian Farm, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;

Yu Gao Feng, the Secretary General of Equestrian Association of the People’s Republic of China.