Ï The best representatives of horse breeding industry of the country are conferred with honoured title

The best representatives of horse breeding industry of the country are conferred with honoured title

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By the Order of Preisdent Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov honoured title of «Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy» has been awarded for outstanding merits in the development of equestrian industry, breeding of horses, increment of the livestock and preservation of breed and productive characteristics, for years of honest work, high skills and professionalism as well as in honour of National Turkmen Horse Holiday to the following:

Durdymuhammet Mergenov, private horse breeder from Ashgabat;

Deryamyrat Saparov, the Horse breeder of Equestrian Department of International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the State Association Türkmen Atlary;

Tahyr Amanmyradov, private horse breeder from Ybyk village, Turkmenbashy etrap, Balkan Velayat;

Yanberdy Tyajibayev, the Coach of the State Stable of the State Association Türkmen Atlary;

Ibragim Hudaynazarov, private horse breeder, the tenant of S. A. Niyazov Farming Association, Cahrjew etrap, Lebap Velayat;

Bayramgeldy Ashykguliyev, private horse breeder from Pendy gengeshlyk, Tahtabazar etrap, Mary Velayat.