Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulates the compatriots on National Turkmen Horse Holiday

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulates the compatriots on National Turkmen Horse Holiday

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Through all periods of life of Turkmen nation, magnificent horses were the decoration of its glorious history. Ahalteke breed, which is thought to be an elite in the world horse breeding industry, - is a treasury of the nation, a sight of mind and national heritage. ‘Heaven’ horses were always dedicated companions of brave Turkmen horse riders and the best friends in hard days. Due to their beauty, unique features and sensitive character, ahalteke horses have become known all over the world, - the congratulation message of President of Turkmenistan on occasion of Turkmen National Horse Holiday says.

Having raised the fame of the horses, our nation used to put gold and silver decoration on the horses. These beautiful traditions of our ancestors are continued in modern jewellery art. Equestrian games demonstrated by Turkmen riders are the adornment of all celebration and make unforgettable impression on our countrymen and foreign guests.

The State makes all conditions and wide opportunities for the development of horse breeding art and equestrian sport in our country. At the same time, close cooperation with different states of the world in the development of this sphere is implemented. Equestrian complexes meetings international standards have been built in the velayats, existing complexes have been modernized, social and living conditions of personnel of this sphere are always under continuous improvement. All of these make positive effect on the development of horse breeding art, the message says.

We pay special attention to the provision of equestrian industry with qualified specialists, open specialized training centres for professional horse breeders, coaches and jockeys. I am confident that open arena, which was built in Ashgabat Equestrian Complex for show jumping competitions, would give strong impulse to the development of national equestrian sport.

Turkmen horse breeders carry our colossal work for preservation of the purity of the breed of ‘heaven’ horses and increment of the livestock. The State would continue rendering support to further development of horse breeding and equestrian sport, beneficial exchange of practice in this sphere with the countries of the world, fruitful cooperation and improvement of work and life conditions of personnel of the sphere.

Our excellent horses, which were brought up on Turkmen land in ancient time and became human heritage in our days, are the elite among pedigree horse breeds in the world. dedicated, fast ‘heaven’ horses are the pride and close friends of Turkmen people, their joy and wings, the message of the President highlights.