Ï Turkmen diplomatic mission organizes futsal tournament in Tashkent

Turkmen diplomatic mission organizes futsal tournament in Tashkent

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The Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan organized futsal tournament with the support of the University of the World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) in Tashkent. The event was timed to the month of public physical training and health improving activities in our country and dedicated to slogan of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”.

Personnel of the Embassy, Turkmen students studying in universities of Uzbekistan as well as the representatives of the Rector’s office, tutors and student of the UWED took part in the competitions.

During the opening ceremony of the tournament, the participants were introduced with large-scale achievements of our country in social and economic, public and political spheres, main vectors of foreign course and initiatives of Turkmen leader, which are aimed at the popularization of unique historical and cultural heritage in the world, promotion of sport diplomacy as well as investment and tourism potential of Turkmenistan.

After the tournament, winning teams were awarded with medals and cups on behalf of Turkmen diplomatic mission. Sport event was highlighted on the channels of Uzbek TV.