Ï Annamurat Ashyrov: Turkmenistan to be the biggest producer of synthetic rubber

Annamurat Ashyrov: Turkmenistan to be the biggest producer of synthetic rubber

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Development of petrochemical industry in our country makes prepositions for the formation of new perspective directions of processing segment like production of composite construction materials, lacquers and paints, different technical fabrics, wear-resistant water- and gas-tight rubbers and sealants of different purpose, plastic and other production.

According to one of leading specialists of the industry, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Head of Gas Processing Department of Scientific and research Institute of Natural Gas Annamurat Ashyrov, very soon, Turkmenistan would be able to become big producer of synthetic rubbers, using natural gas and the products of gas processing like ethylene, propylene, butylene and benzene as raw material.

The country has all necessary resources for production of this chemical product, which successfully replaces natural rubber from the market, - the scientist thinks. – total world production and consumption of synthetic rubbers reach approximately 15 million tons per year. Every year, the growth rate is about 3 – 4 percent.

As is known, natural gas consists of methanol for more than 90percent. Besides, it contains lower methane homologues like (ethane, propane, butane and other). Deep gas processing is used for production of export gas with initial extraction of heavy organic components from its composition and their processing to trade commodities with high added values.

For example, natural and associated petroleum gases, which are rich with homologues) are subject to deep processing. Ethane and propane extracted during the processing are ideal material for termite cracking into olephins like ethylene and propylene and production of polymers, synthetic fibre, rubbers and many other products of organic synthesis on their base.

Undoubtedly, opening of polymeric plant in Kiyanly is a great achievement for the economy of our country. In future, the production of ethylene propylene rubber, which is valuable material for production of wide range of rubber technical items, can be developed at this facility.

The facility for production of gasoline from natural gas, which is under construction in Ahal Velayat, with 100,000 tons of liquefied butane per year as a by-product, is also very important in the aspect of the development of production of synthetic rubber. It will give an opportunity to organize the production of big volume of valuable synthetic material – the butyl rubber. This material has a unique characteristic to hold the pressure, which makes it ideal for making of tubes of pneumatic and tubeless tyres. The resistance to chemical agents provided its application for protective clothes while shock absorbing characteristics for the reduction of the vibration in engines and vehicles as well as for production of butyl tires.

These two examples indicate the ability of petrochemical industry to develop itself when the facility, which has been already built, opens the perspective for organization of new production.

Project of new petrochemical facility, the plant for deep processing of 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year at the Bagaja Field in Lebap Velayat, which is currently under development, is the next important stage in the development of synthetic rubbers. It is planned to organize the production of 35,000 tons of butadiene styrene rubber, 5,000 tons of polybutadiene rubber and 25,000 tons of polystyrene per year.

These materials are widely used in production of vehicle tyres (49 percent from the world consumption) and various rubber technical goods of general purpose. Butadiene styrene and polybutadiene styrene rubbers are the most popular in both segments. Their wide application is explained by high technical characteristics of rubber made from these materials and availability.

Polybutadiene rubber is also used for production of tyre tubes, rubber footwear, ebonite and other commodities. This synthetic material has valuable features like high flexibility, good wear- and cold-resistance.

Polybutadiene rubber is often used with butadiene styrene rubber, which improves technical characteristics of rubber mixtures designated for manufacturing of tyres, conveyor belts and other items with high dynamic wear- and cold resistance and durability.

Polybutadiene rubber is also used for production of shock-resistant polystyrene. The polystyrene is made in big volumes in the world and is an important material for manufacturing of construction, electrical, technical, decorative and finishing items, electrical insulation and polymeric production.

Undoubtedly, it is beneficial from economy point of view to organize the production of three types of materials (polystyrene, butadiene styrene and polybutadiene styrene rubbers), which supplement each other and expand the variety of final production, in one facility taking into account that it is not only natural gas that is used as raw material but also benzene, which is by-product received during oil refining.

Implementation of these innovative projects is able to turn our country into big exporter of rubbers, which would have great economic effect and requires significant investments in the partnership with international companies. Opening opportunities for production of various industrial and household import substitutive products from synthetic rubbers are another important aspects.