Ï X International Gas Congress: Instrument to attract investments to fuel and energy complex

X International Gas Congress: Instrument to attract investments to fuel and energy complex

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At the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of the first quarter of current year, the Head of the State set the objectives for activation of works in oil and gas complex of the country. it includes wide implementation of the latest technologies for deep processing of hydrocarbons, attraction of investments, diversification of supplies of Turkmen energy carriers to the world markets, production of commodities with high added value, enhancement of export potential of national fuel and energy complex.

These objectives were laid to the agenda of anniversary, X International Gas Congress of Turkmenistan, which would be held in Avaza National tourist zone on May 21 – 22.

Active preparation to coming major forum, which gathers big and famous energy companies, Government delegations, world financial institutes, representatives of diplomatic circles and experts every year, is carried out at present time.

The interest of the key players of global gas market and leading operators of the industry, analysts and suppliers of technologies and equipment for hydrocarbon section is very high this year, which promises record number of the delegates and allows expecting the development of fundamentally new and efficient solutions for the development of cooperation.

As it was previously infirmed in the publications of TDH, board members of such companies as Exxon Mobil, Shell, Gazprom, Petronas, CNPC, Hyundai, Kawasaki, NAPECO, Vitol, Dragon Oil, ENI. Burried Hill, LG, Gaffney, Cline & Associates and many other will come to the meeting in Avaza.

This list becomes bigger every day, which indicates growing interest of international energy business in Turkmenistan, which gas resources are in the fourth place in the world. Taking into account latest information of geological and exploration works, this is not final position among the leaders.

It is also necessary to note that organization of the congress has been amended in the context of the objectives for bringing of the event held in our country under current and coming international forums to new level. They are related to the planning of working programme including the subjects of the themes to be discusses, business and technical subjects taking into account the interest of Turkmenistan and companies, which are willing to work in our country, for maximization of the efficiency of joint activity.

Giving instruction for organization of the congress, which is to be the platform for exchange of practice, enhancement of cooperation with competent energy companies, Turkmen leader highlighted that the forum has to correspond with the oil and gas strategy carried out by our country. These are the course toward integrated modernization of the infrastructure of fuel and energy complex, improvement of the potential of processing petrochemical industry, growth of volumes of production of quality competitive commodities. These directions present professional interest of potential investors.

X International Turkmenistan Gas Congress will start with high-level plenary session “Gas – the fuel of the future”. Prominent analysts, major agencies making studies in oil and gas industry give confident forecasts for the growth of the world demand on natural gas in nearest decades. The Head of the State noted that it was provided by ecological and cost advantages of gas comparing with other sources of energy. At the same time, the main part of total increment of global gas production will be in industrial, power energy and transport sectors.

Therefore, it is obvious that presence of reliable, available and clean energy will has great importance for further development of Turkmenistan and the world economy in general. In this context, such subjects as evolution processes in development of the fields and gas processing, creation of stable energy industry with low carbon emission will be highlighted at the plenary session.

Trends in petrochemical industry including on the example of development of this branch in Turkmenistan, which successfully implemented major projects like the construction of polymeric plant in Kiaynly, carbamide fertilizer plant in Garabogaz, would be reviewed in details in sectional discussions. At present time, commissioning works are carried out at another industrial giant, the plant for production of high quality gasoline from natural gas in Ovadandepe.

“TAPI: Pipeline of Peace and Stability” is an important subject of current gas forum. This section will present the reports on work made by the participants of the project, on financing and other subjects.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov set the objective to accelerate the implementation of this grandiose idea, which practical implementation makes the foundation of foreign initiatives of our country aimed at the formation of new architecture of global energy security.

This project is carried out based on Intergovernmental agreements between Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India and attracts the attention of major investors from different countries and international financial institutes with its huge significance in the aspect of provision of stable and peaceful development of the region.

In this aspect, growing role of transnational pipelines, other approaches to supply of gas and perspectives of development of gas market in regional and global reviews would be highlighted during the congress.

Foreign participants of the forum will have the opportunity to study new investment projects in gas processing sector of Turkmenistan. Improvised digital technologies, flexible business models and new ecosystems in production chain would also be an important part of the conversation about the formation of inclusive energy development.

Cooperation under production share agreements will be separate subject of discussions. This session will present the reports on activity of foreign companies in Turkmenistan, legal bases of international cooperation and legal aspects of investment in our country, creation of favourable conditions for foreign business, etc.

Round table sessions, business meetings and other events will be held in the fields of the forum. Feedback will be distinguishing feature of the Congress: organizer of X International Gas Congress will support informational contacts with the companies participating in the forum during the next year until the next congress. Thus, the delegates will be able to receive mails and notification about events and news in oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan.

Direct communication will also work during the sessions of the congress. It will give the opportunity to respond to the proposals and requests of the participants for receiving additional information on certain subjects. It is also worth to mention that independent international experts of competent energy and consulting companies with the world names will be the moderators of the sessions.

The hosts of Gas Congress provided beneficial terms for participation of local entrepreneurs in the forum for support of the representatives of Turkmen business. It will make favourable conditions for presentation of services and production of Turkmen private companies and for establishment of connections with petroleum companies at the fields of the forum.

Any forum has to have practical direction in addition to exchange of practice, information, new ideas and developments. Therefore, the main efforts of the hosts of International Gas Congress are aimed at creation of the best working atmosphere for negotiations, bilateral meetings, reaching of agreements, which would result in signing of the documents and entering into contracts.

Besides, site visits to gas processing plant of the State Concern Turkmengaz, facilities of Petronas and to Turkmenbashy International Port will be organized for the delegates of the forum.

According to international consultants, who were involved in organization of coming congress, the anniversary forum will have new character, having become another efficient instrument in investment portfolio of fuel and energy complex of the country.

International Turkmenistan Gas Congress will bring together traditional and perspective partners for the tenth time in May. For the past period, our independent state has entered new level of development. Turkmenistan has not only opened its market for foreign partners, having made it attractive for investments, but also helped to create the opportunities of growth for developing and developed economies of other countries, for common progress and prosperity in the region and on the planet.