Ï Outcomes of four months are reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers

Outcomes of four months are reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference working session of the Cabinet of Ministers where the outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for four months have been summed up, the implementation of the state programmes of social and economic development of the country as well as some issues of home policy have been reviewed.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the outcomes of work of the facilities of fuel and energy complex for the period under review.

The plan for production of natural and associated gas has been fulfilled by 103.9 percent for the past four months, for oil refining by 105.1 percent, production of gasoline by 110.5 percent, diesel fuel by 105.3 percent, polypropylene by 122.3 percent, lubricating oil by 100 percent and liquefied gas by 112.6 percent.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor to deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev who reported on the outcomes of work of the structures under his supervision for four months of the year and seasonal agricultural works in the velayats.

In general, the growth rate of agricultural complex in production volumes, works and services was 107.4 percent. The indicators of this works by the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has reached 107.5 percent, by the State Water management Committee – 106.6 percent, the Türkmen Atlary State Association – 105.4 percent. The plan for investment development was executed by 149.9 percent.

All necessary measures are taken these days in the velayats for completion of cotton sowing. At the same time, the first inter-row cultivation of the springs is carried out according to agrotechnical standards.

Care of winter crops including vegetation irrigation of the plants is continued. Preparation of grain harvesters, transport as well as grain reception facilities to harvest campaign in carried out.

After, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev who reported on the outcomes of the activity of the spheres under his supervision for January – April.

The ministries and profile departments of industrial and communication complex fulfilled production and service plan by 112.4 percent with the growth rate of 117.5 percent for the period under review.

The growth rate of production by the Ministry of Textile Industry has reached 141.7 percent including the production of cotton yarn and fabrics, which indicators was 101.3 and 102.1 percent respectively. The growth rate of silk production was 109.2 percent, sewing and knitted garments – 138.4 percent.

The growth rate of production by the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa has reached 138.6 percent. The same indicators in production of nitrogen fertilizers was equal to 121.6 percent. The plan of production of potassium fertilizers was fulfilled by 100.7 percent, technical iodine by 114.5 percent.

The growth rate of production and services by the Ministry of Industry and Communication was equal to 108.9 percent, the growth rate of production of reinforced concrete constructions is equal to 101.9 percent, glassware by 101.7 percent.

The growth rate of works performed by Türkmensenagat Agency was 106.7 percent.

The same indicators of service provided by Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency is equal to 113.1 percent, Türkmendemirýollary Agency – 100.6 percent, Türkmenhowaýollary Agency – 116.9 percent. The growth rate of works carried out by Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency was 157 percent, by Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency – 106.8 percent.

The growth rate in cargo and passenger traffic by all modes of transport was 107.8 and 101.2 percent respectively.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the activity of organizations of construction, energy complexes and the capital administration for four months of the year.

The administration of Ashgabat fulfilled the plan by 106.7 percent with the growth rate of 106.1 percent.

The production of plan of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture was executed by 100.8 percent with the growth rate of 105 percent in January – April.

The plan of production, works and services by the Ministry of Energy was implemented by 103.6 percent.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported to the President about the outcomes of work of trade sphere and the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs of the country for January – April 2019 comparing with the same indicators of the first four months of 2018.

The growth rate of trade of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs has grown by 17.9 percent for the period under review. At the same time, retail trade has increased by 15.8 percent and wholesale trade by 19.5 percent. The volume of production made by the facilities of the organization has grown by 8.7 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan has held 82 trade session and signed 9,384 contracts for this period. The volume of total income has increased by 22.8 percent.

The volume of services by the Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan has increased by 8.6 percent in monetary equivalent.

Enterprises of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs increased the volumes of industrial production by 28.3 percent, agricultural and food production by 4.6 percent.

In the result of comprehensive support rendered to the entrepreneurship by the state, the export volume of this section of the economy has also increased for four months of the year. Export of food production has grown by 16.2 percent and industrial production by 9.2 percent.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported to Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the activity of the structures under her supervision for the past four months.

Different events, exhibitions, cultural sessions, contests and musical festivals have been held under the implementation of the Plan of activities dedicated to the year of Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity.

Personnel of cultural sphere went on business trips to foreign countries where they took part in international events.

Several cultural actions were organized in our country together with diplomatic missions accredited in Ashgabat. For example, the Days of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were held in Mary.

Exhibition of archaeological findings “Margiana, the Kingdom of the Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan” continues working in Manheim (Germany).

Publications about the achievements of Turkmenistan and cultural life of the country, tourist routes, historical monuments are systematically placed on the websites of the ministries and departments of cultural sphere. Recreational potential of our country is widely advertised.

The growth rate of the State Committee of Tourism was 128 percent comparing with the same period on the last year.

Turkmen State Publishing Service has printed 123 types of book production, the production plan of printing medial was fulfilled by 111.5 percent. The Galkynyş Book Centre provide the libraries of the country with 25,000 books.

Oguzkhan Türkmenfilm Association made several movies. The information about activity of mass media for highlighting of the achievements of the country in different spheres has also been presented during the report.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the spheres under his supervision for January – April 2019 and noted that equipment, facility and methodological bases, educational programmes and plans of 12- year school education are improved in education sphere and steadfast measures for implementation of advanced technologies are taken under the reforms initiated by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

58 out of 200 types of textbooks planned for publishing have been produced for the period under review.

Having successfully performed at international thematic and project contests, Turkmen school students won 83 medals and university students won 15 various medals. Students of secondary and high educational institutes the country have also taken part in internet contest, having supplemented the collection of intellectual achievements by 19 and 61 medals and diplomas respectively.

13 documents have been signed for the period under review in the contest of development of international cooperation in educational sphere.

Specific measures for solution of the objectives given by the President of Turkmenistan for further improvement and development of science have been taken for the designated period.

Integrated work has been carried out the sphere of national health protection according to the Health State Programme.

International Conference on Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases has been held on high level. During the forum, Turkmenistan has been awarded with the Certificate of the World Health Organization for outstanding contribution to the prevention of these diseases.

The growth rate of means received from the State Voluntary Medical Insurance was 122 percent, from sold production and medical services – 120 percent, sanatorium services – 121 percent.

Targeted work for development of physical culture and sport, Olympic movement and enhancement of international cooperation in this field has been carried out.

For the period under review, Turkmenistan hosted 55 local competitions and 30 mass sport events. Turkmen sportsmen took part in 55 international competitions – 7 world championships, 14 Asian championships and 34 tournaments, having won 32 gold, 34 silver and 40 bronze medals.

Under the report, the Vice-premier has also informed about the work for fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State related to the organization of special course on the basis of digital economy.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the outcomes of activity of the Ministry for the past four months in the context of steadfast realization of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan and fulfilment of the assignments given by the Head of the State.

It was mentioned that our country actively develops friendship and constructive cooperation both in bilateral and multilateral formats under competent international and regional organizations.

In this context, the main role is given to high-level visits. For example, official visit of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was held on February 20 – 21, the state visit of the King of Bahrain was held on March 17 – 19, the state visit of the President of the Republic of Korea was held on April 16 – 18 and working visit of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan of Russian Federation was held on April 27 – 28.

The work on preparation of foreign visits of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and visits of the heads of other states to our country is also carried out.

In addition, the OSCE, the World Customs Organization Secretary General, the International Energy Charter Secretary General and other high-rank representative of competent international structures have paid working visits to Turkmenistan in January - April.

Continuing the report, it was informed that 150 foreign delegations of different levels have visited Turkmenistan for the period under review via the Foreign Ministry. At the same time, 216 delegation of our country has been sent to foreign countries. 86 international events like conferences, meetings, etc. have been held and 89 international documents have been signed.

Consultations between foreign departments are held on regular basis. 22 meetings has been held in this direction since the beginning of the year.

Relative work is also carried out for expansion and improvement of bilateral diplomatic relations via the embassies.

Sessions of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Kazakh, Turkmen – Korean, Turkmen – French commissions, Turkmenistan – European Union Joint Committee, Turkmen – British Commercial and Industrial Council have been held for the fulfilment of the assignments of head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for further intensification of fruitful trade, economic, humanitarian and cultural cooperation with foreign partners.

Continuing video conference session, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who informed about macroeconomic indicators for January – April 2019. It was highlighted that stable development of all branches is provided due to successful integrated measures aimed at steadfast growth of national economy.

The growth rate of the GDP was observed on 6.2 percent level for the period under review.

Comparing with the same period of the last year, the production has increased by 6.1 percent in general. High results have been achieved in the branches of economic complex.

The volume of retail trade has grown by 19.1 percent by the results of four months comparing with the same period on 2018.

Salary wages, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships have been paid in full volume for the period under review.

Construction of 76 social facilities 205.4 thousand square meters of living as well as number of water treatment facilities and engineering and technical systems has been carried out under the implementation of new edition of National rural programme.

It was mentioned that comprehensive approach is provided for solution of the subjects of stable development of all branches of national economy. At the same time, the measures for further implementations of the state programmes, successful fulfilment of set objectives for import substitution and increment of export potential of Turkmenistan are provided.

In this regard, the measures for provision of coordinated work of all relative structures are taken. At the same time, priority importance is given to the digitization of the economy.

After, the Head of the State gave specific assignments to all members of the Government.

Having noted that economic indicators for four months indicate that all branches are generally developed stably, the President of Turkmenistan said to G. Myradov that control of the implementation of the state programmes and proposals for the elimination of existing deficiencies are direct responsibilities of the leaders under his supervision.

The Head of the state also noted that efficient measures have to be taken for fulfilment of the plans for opening of the facilities for production of import substitutive goods and increment of export volumes of local commodities.

Besides, it is necessary to analyse the work for the introduction of digital system to banking and financial sphere, privatization of the state facilities and their transformation to joint stock ventures.

M. Meredov was assigned to implement the inventions and advance technologies and methods of the world practice for the increment of the volumes of oil production.

Giving instructions to the Vice-premier, the President pointed out the reserves available in oil and gas complex, which involvement would allow realizing the potential of the sphere more comprehensively. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of rapid development of hydrocarbon deposits of Northern Goturdepe, Uzynada and Altynkui and other recently discovered fields.

In this regard, the assignments for proper resources and technical provision of drilling works and reconstruction of well, implementation of advanced technologies and the most productive methods tested in the world practice, application of scientifically based technologies have been given.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested E. Orazgeldiyev to take measures for acceleration of the rates of cotton sowing. The Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to pay more frequent visits of etraps together with the leaders of the ministries under his supervision and inspect the work of farming associations and the course of cotton sowing at sites.

The President of Turkmenistan also ordered the officials to inspect the implementation of the programmes of reformation in agricultural complex and the provision of necessary assistance to farming associations.

M. Chakiiyev was ordered to carry out efficient work for creation of new working places, industrialization of the country, production of import substitution commodities. It is necessary to put efforts to increase the volumes of export of national production and to develop digital system, the Head of the State said.

It is also necessary to activate the work with entrepreneurs, to create the facilities provided with latest highly productive equipment and innovative technologies. We have to achieve stable work of industry so it would be able to bring profit to the state, the President highlighted.

Ch. Purchekov was assigned to speed up the construction of social facilities in rural areas and to provide permanent control of the fulfilment of the programmes of establishing of modern social and living infrastructure in the regions.

You have to work permanently on the increment of export of energy. Electrical energy is on high demand in the world market, which means that we have t activate the work in this direction, - Turkmen leader has said.

Ch. Gylyjov, it is necessary to continue working on increment of consumer goods production. It is necessary to develop the measures of the state support of private sector of the economy for stimulation of the entrepreneurship, to render financial, material and technical support to small and medium business for the increment of export potential of the country and improvement of wellbeing of the nation, the Head of the State said, having also ordered to continue the implementation of digital system to the branches under his supervision.

Addressing B. Abdiyeva and having noted that we have numerous cultural events and holidays, the President focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the events dedicated to the year of Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity. In this context, the Head of the State addressed the assignments for work of national mass media.

The achievements of our sportsmen has also be widely highlighted, the Head of the state said. It is necessary to continue informational support of important process of digitization of national economy, the President of Turkmenistan noted, having given the assignments on activation of work of newspapers, magazines, TV and radio channels in this direction.

After, Turkmen leader gave orders to P. Agamyradov in regards to coming important events in educational sphere – graduation exams in schools, graduation and entry exams in universities.

It is necessary to conduct the lessons on digital systems in all educational facilities and this main role is given to the Academy of Sciences, the President said. Preparation of our sportsmen to the Olympic Games is special objective, the Head of the State.

R. Meredov, we have numerous international events and forums ahead. As usual, you have to hold them on high international level, the President of Turkmenistan said.

After, the Head of the State addressed all members of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Foreign policy of our neutral state remains invariable. It means that we would have constructive cooperation with the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, European Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States and Economic Cooperation Organization an dother international organizations like before, the President said.

The base of our cooperation with these organizations is made of the goals of our independent state related to the provision of energy security, solution of ecological issues, development of transport infrastructure. It also includes the development of science and culture, provision of human rights and freedoms, strengthening of common security, achievement of stability and sustainable development in the world for the interest of our nation.

Regarding home policy of our sovereign state, the work of the Government allowed preserving high growth rates of the GDP, which is provided the surplus of all branches of national economy, by the outcomes of four months of the year.

We pursue reliable tax and budgetary, monetary and credit policy. It led to the growth of investments to private and government sections of the economy, the Head of the state noted.

The salaries have grown by 9.5 percent in average. Exchange rate of national currency remains stable. Numerous production and social facilities have been built and put into operation in all regions of the country.

We successfully implements the programmes of production of import substitutive goods and increment of export volumes as well as the programmes of creation of electronic industry, the President highlighted.

Nevertheless, despite the achievement of satisfactory indicators, we have many issues, which have to be elaborated, the Head of the State continued. We adopted state programmes for their solution. Specific objectives have been outlined for their elimination. We spoke in details about this at the session of the Government on the outcomes of the first quarter. We have to solve these objectives, the Head of the State urged.

Finishing video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in work to all members of the Government.