Ï The President of Turkmenistan sets objectives to the members of the Government

The President of Turkmenistan sets objectives to the members of the Government

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The president of Turkmenistan gave specific assignments to the members of the Government at the video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of work for January – April.

Having noted that economic indicators for four months indicate that all branches are generally developed stably, the President of Turkmenistan said to G. Myradov that control of the implementation of the state programmes and proposals for the elimination of existing deficiencies are direct responsibilities of the leaders under his supervision.

The Head of the State also noted that efficient measures have to be taken for fulfilment of the plans for opening of the facilities for production of import substitutive goods and increment of export volumes of local commodities.

Besides, it is necessary to analyse the work for the introduction of digital system to banking and financial sphere, privatization of the state facilities and their transformation to joint stock ventures.

M. Meredov was assigned to implement the inventions and advance technologies and methods of the world practice for the increment of the volumes of oil production.

Giving instructions to the Vice-premier, the President pointed out the reserves available in oil and gas complex, which involvement would allow realizing the potential of the sphere more comprehensively. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of rapid development of hydrocarbon deposits of Northern Goturdepe, Uzynada and Altynkui and other recently discovered fields.

In this regard, the assignments for proper resources and technical provision of drilling works and reconstruction of well, implementation of advanced technologies and the most productive methods tested in the world practice, application of scientifically based technologies have been given.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested E. Orazgeldiyev to take measures for acceleration of the rates of cotton sowing. The Head of the State requested the Vice-premier to pay more frequent visits of etraps together with the leaders of the ministries under his supervision and inspect the work of farming associations and the course of cotton sowing at sites.

The President of Turkmenistan also ordered the officials to inspect the implementation of the programmes of reformation in agricultural complex and the provision of necessary assistance to farming associations.

M. Chakiiyev was ordered to carry out efficient work for creation of new working places, industrialization of the country, production of import substitution commodities. It is necessary to put efforts to increase the volumes of export of national production and to develop digital system, the Head of the State said.

It is also necessary to activate the work with entrepreneurs, to create the facilities provided with latest highly productive equipment and innovative technologies. We have to achieve stable work of industry so it would be able to bring profit to the state, the President highlighted.

Ch. Purchekov was assigned to speed up the construction of social facilities in rural areas and to provide permanent control of the fulfilment of the programmes of establishing of modern social and living infrastructure in the regions.

You have to work permanently on the increment of export of energy. Electrical energy is on high demand in the world market, which means that we have t activate the work in this direction, - Turkmen leader has said.

Ch. Gylyjov, it is necessary to continue working on increment of consumer goods production. It is necessary to develop the measures of the state support of private sector of the economy for stimulation of the entrepreneurship, to render financial, material and technical support to small and medium business for the increment of export potential of the country and improvement of wellbeing of the nation, the Head of the State said, having also ordered to continue the implementation of digital system to the branches under his supervision.

Addressing B. Abdiyeva and having noted that we have numerous cultural events and holidays, the President focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the events dedicated to the year of Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity. In this context, the Head of the State addressed the assignments for work of national mass media.

The achievements of our sportsmen has also be widely highlighted, the Head of the state said. It is necessary to continue informational support of important process of digitization of national economy, the President of Turkmenistan noted, having given the assignments on activation of work of newspapers, magazines, TV and radio channels in this direction.

After, Turkmen leader gave orders to P. Agamyradov in regards to coming important events in educational sphere – graduation exams in schools, graduation and entry exams in universities.

It is necessary to conduct the lessons on digital systems in all educational facilities and this main role is given to the Academy of Sciences, the President said. Preparation of our sportsmen to the Olympic Games is special objective, the Head of the State.

R. Meredov, we have numerous international events and forums ahead. As usual, you have to hold them on high international level, the President of Turkmenistan said.

After, the Head of the State addressed all members of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Foreign policy of our neutral state remains invariable. It means that we would have constructive cooperation with the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, European Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States and Economic Cooperation Organization and other international organizations like before, the President said.

The base of our cooperation with these organizations is made of the goals of our independent state related to the provision of energy security, solution of ecological issues, development of transport infrastructure. It also includes the development of science and culture, provision of human rights and freedoms, strengthening of common security, achievement of stability and sustainable development in the world for the interest of our nation.

Regarding home policy of our sovereign state, the work of the Government allowed preserving high growth rates of the GDP, which is provided the surplus of all branches of national economy, by the outcomes of four months of the year.

We pursue reliable tax and budgetary, monetary and credit policy. It led to the growth of investments to private and government sections of the economy, the Head of the state noted.

The salaries have grown by 9.5 percent in average. Exchange rate of national currency remains stable. Numerous production and social facilities have been built and put into operation in all regions of the country.

We successfully implements the programmes of production of import substitutive goods and increment of export volumes as well as the programmes of creation of electronic industry, the President highlighted.

Nevertheless, despite the achievement of satisfactory indicators, we have many issues, which have to be elaborated, the Head of the State continued. We adopted state programmes for their solution. Specific objectives have been outlined for their elimination. We spoke in details about this at the session of the Government on the outcomes of the first quarter. We have to solve these objectives, the Head of the State urged.