Ï Turkmen diplomatic mission to Turkey organizes round table meeting

Turkmen diplomatic mission to Turkey organizes round table meeting

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Turkmen diplomatic mission to Turkey organizes round table meeting
Turkmen diplomatic mission to Turkey organizes round table meeting
Turkmen diplomatic mission to Turkey organizes round table meeting
Turkmen diplomatic mission to Turkey organizes round table meeting
Round table meeting dedicated to the first Caspian Economic Forum was held in Istanbul on April 30. The event was organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Turkey and General Consulate in Istanbul together with the Trade Chamber and Commodity Exchange Union of Turkey.

High-rank representatives of the Trade Chamber and Commodity Exchange Union of Turkey, Turkish Parliament, diplomatic missions in Istanbul, business structures, Turkmen _ Turkish Friendship Society and mass media took part in the meeting.

Speaking at the meeting, the Amabassador of Turkmenistan to Turkey Ishanguly Amanlyev introduced the Concept of preparation to coming forum and highlighted that the meeting planned to be held in Avaza National tourist zone on August 12 is to give strong impulse to economic, trade and investment cooperation in Caspian Region and to integrational processes in Eurasia.

Council General of our country Muratgeldy Seyitmammedov noted that the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the first Caspian Economic Forum reflects the position of Turkmenistan for expansion of multidimensional cooperation, maximum involvement of huge economic, transport and energy potential of the region, assertion of the status of Caspian Sea as sea of friendship, peace and harmony.

Speaking at the meeting, Consulate General of Afghanistan in Istanbul Zakria Barakzey said that stable development of Caspian region is also important for stabilization of social and economic situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, having noted huge importance of Lapis Lazuli transport corridor, owing to which the supply of Afghan commodities to Turkey has been arranged.

Advisor of the Chairman of with the Trade Chamber and Commodity Exchange Union of Turkey focused on constructive position of Turkmenistan and currency of the initiatives for strengthening of the role of Caspian region as an important transport and logistic hub of continental significance.

Video presentation about the first Caspian Economic Forum was the visualization to the subject of the meeting. The participants received informational booklets giving the information about economic potential of Turkmen section of Caspian Sea, logistic capabilities of Turkmenbashy International Port and recreation and tourist advantages of Avaza National tourist zone.