Ï Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital

Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital

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Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
Honouring ceremony of the war veterans and soldiers’ widows is held in the capital
The Mekan Palace of the capital hosted the honouring ceremony of the war veterans and widows of lost warriors in honour of coming 74th anniversary of the Victory in Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945. On behalf of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, they received money and commemorative gifts.

Exhibition of paintings, photo works and printing media speaking of exemplary courage and fortitude of those who was bringing the Victory against the fascism closer in the battlefields and by labour feats in the home front.

Thousands of our compatriots went to the front voluntary from the first days of the war and demonstrated courage and fortitude in heavy fighting. Number of them was awarded with the title of Hero, thousands of warriors were awarded with medals and orders, many of them received it post-mortem. The words of gratitude and congratulation were addressed to our dearest veterans and workers of the home front these days in May. Celebration conferences and meetings, cultural events are held these days in all cities and villages off the country in honour of the heroes of the Great Victory.

War veterans and soldiers’ widows are among honoured guests of celebration events. Representatives of ministries and departments, public organizations, Administration of Ashgabat, military and law enforcement agencies, universities of the capital, cultural and mass media personnel have also taken part in the event.

The words of gratitude were sounded from the stage to the heroes of the Great Victory for their unprecedented feat. Their bravery, fortitude and love of native land will serve as an example of patriotism and moral goal to the youth.

In their speeches, the veterans expressed the gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for permanent attention to elder generation, diligent care of the wealth of the participants of the war and families of lost warriors, creation of all necessary conditions for their deserving life.

The heroes were presented with flowers and valuable gifts in ceremonial atmosphere. Famous singers and bands of the country made musical congratulations.

Honouring ceremonies of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and widows of the warriors were held in all velayats of the country.