Ï The President of Turkmenistan notes steadfast dynamics of the dialog with Russia

The President of Turkmenistan notes steadfast dynamics of the dialog with Russia

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We pay special importance to the relations with the Russian Federation, which is strategic partner of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said at the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Head of the Government Office of the Russian Federation Konstantin Chuychenko and State Secretary, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Grigory Krasin.

The Head of Turkmenistan noted positive dynamics in political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation of two countries. Speaking of the politics, the President of the country has mentioned the visit of Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov to Turkmenistan in February, during which the subjects of cooperation in bilateral, regional and international levels have been discussed.

Speaking of the agenda of current session of the Intergovernmental Commission for economic cooperation, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that trade and economic relations are very important and take special space in this subject, having noted the fruitfulness of these relations in many directions including in agriculture, construction, oil and gas section, energy, chemical industry as well as between private structures.

At the same time, both Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation still have significant unused reserve, which implementation would be able to expand economic potential of two countries considerably and to stimulate production resources, the Head of the State said.

Cultural and humanitarian sphere also plays an important role in Turkmen – Russian relations. We have established active cooperation in science, education, sports, health protection and we would continue supporting and developing these links as well as to promote the dialog of cultural personnel by the Days of Culture, conferences and art festivals, Turkmen leader continued.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention of the attention paid to Russian language in Turkmenistan.

Our country has good relations with the entities of the Russian Federation like the Republic of Tatarstan, Astrakhan, Sverdlovsk, Orel Regions and Saint Petersburg, the Head of the State said, having expressed the confidence that new documents, which would be signed by the outcomes of the session of the Commission, would give new impulse to bilateral cooperation.

Taking the opportunity, Turkmen leader has conveyed the words of sympathy to the relatives and friends of the victims of aircraft crash in Sheremetyevo Moscow Airport.

The Head of the State also said that he would like to pay tribute to all countrymen who fought in the Great Patriotic War, protected the Motherland spare no life and fought for the Victory. 117 Turkmenistan citizens became the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the members of Russian delegation on coming Victory Day and conveyed his best wishes to the leaders of the Russian Federation - His Excellency President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.