Ï Memorandum and number of agreements are signed by the outcomes of the session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian commission

Memorandum and number of agreements are signed by the outcomes of the session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian commission

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Ashgabat hosted regular session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian commission for economic cooperation with the participation of heads and representatives of number of government structures including leading profile ministries and departments as well as business circles of two states. In this regard, representative delegation chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Head of the Government Office of the Russian Federation Konstantin Chuychenko has come to our country.

Opening the session, the co-chairmen of the Commission stated with delight high level and growing dynamics of Turkmen – Russian cooperation, which is successfully developed in all directions and has equal and long-term character.

It was highlighted that mutual understanding and trust established between the leader of two countries, invariable willingness of Turkmenistan and Russian Federation to bring traditional interstate relations to new level taking into account the priorities and modern realities, are the fundamental factors of fruitful partnership.

Noting the importance of the intensification of cooperation in number of directions, the participants of the session stated significant role of the Intergovernmental Commission for economic cooperation in practical implementation of the agreements achieved on the highest level and having significant potential for the partnership.

The agenda also included the subjects related to the condition and perspectives of development of bilateral relations and outcomes of performed work.

Trade and economic sphere, fuel and energy, transport and communication sections, agriculture as well as digitization of the economy and implementation of advanced technologies have been outlined among priority vectors of Turkmen – Russian cooperation.

Keen interest of Russian companies to the projects in different fields taking into account large-scale programme oriented to the diversification of industrial section, fundamental modernization of relative infrastructure, implementation of high technologies and opening of scientifically based production facilities has been noted.

Intensification of productive contacts between business circles of two countries, stimulation of investment activity, growth of trade and expansion of the variety of commodities were the subjects of detailed discussion.

During the exchange of the opinions, the participants of the session have also spoken for the improvement of cooperation in humanitarian, scientific and technological spheres, in particular tradition relation in education, science and culture, tourism and sports spheres.

In addition, the subjects of Turkmen – Russian regional cooperation, which has received new content and quality in the last few years, were reviewed. It was mentioned that at present time, close relations has been established between Turkmenistan and the entities of the Russian Federation including the Republic of Tatarstan, Astrakhan and Sverdlovsk Regions, Saint Petersburg and other.

In the end of the session, having expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for keen attention to the subjects of bilateral partnership and conditions for successful session of the Intergovernmental Commission in Ashgabat, the participants noted that current business meeting would give new impulse to further strengthening of constructive dialog between two friendly countries.

In addition to the Protocol of the 11th session of the Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian Commission for economic cooperation, the Memorandum between Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan and the Government of Astrakhan Region (Russian Federation) on Establishment of Turkmen – Astrakhan Joint Council for Entrepreneurship, the Agreement between the Turkmenistan State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography and All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov on Cooperation in improvement of qualification of Turkmen specialists, the Agreement on Cooperation between the Scientific and Clinical Centre of Eye Diseases of Turkmenistan State Medical University and Helmholtz Moscow Scientific and Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Ministry of Health Protection of the Russian federation have been signed by the outcomes of the meeting.