Ï President of Turkmenistan launches the construction of the social and production complex in the area of the Turkmen Lake

President of Turkmenistan launches the construction of the social and production complex in the area of the Turkmen Lake

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President of Turkmenistan launches the construction of the social and production complex in the area of the Turkmen Lake
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in Balkan Velayat on a working visit to attend the ceremony of laying the foundation of the social and production complex in the area of the Alty Asyr Turkmen Lake.

Early in the morning, the President of Turkmenistan took a helicopter fright from Ashgabat to Serdar Etrap. During the flight, the President of Turkmenistan inspected the scales of the work done and being carried out on the transformation of desert territories.

Presidential helicopter landed on the copter pad. The Vice-Premiers of the Cabinet of Ministers, the leaders of the Mejlis, the military and law enforcement agencies, the Balkan Velayat Hyakim greeted the President of Turkmenistan. Girls in national dresses presented the bouquets of flowers to the Turkmen leader.

The President of Turkmenistan headed to the venue.

The heads and specialists of the international organizations, including the UN, OSCE among others attended the ceremony.

The heads of ministries, sectoral departments, public organizations, the heads and specialists of foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, the representatives of foreign media, the guests of honour from various states and international structures, world-famous companies arrived in Serdar Etrap to take part in the festivities on occasion of the historic event by a special railway train.

National musicians, singers and dancers presented a festive concert that added the bright national colours to the celebration as if inviting into the world of Turkmen culture and its rich heritage.

The President of Turkmenistan and foreign guests headed to the special pavilion, where the Turkmen leader delivered a speech.

Under the storm of applause, the President of Turkmenistan laid a capsule with a memorable note into the foundation of the future complex. By tradition, the President of Turkmenistan gave a symbolic start to the construction, laying the foundation concrete that was greeted by all participants in the celebration with great enthusiasm.