Ï Comfortable conditions for life will be created in new village in the heart of the Karakum Desert

Comfortable conditions for life will be created in new village in the heart of the Karakum Desert

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“The new village, which will be erected in the center of the Karakum Desert, on the territory of the Serdar Etrap in Balkan Velayat, will testify to the successful implementation of the tasks set in the Programme of socio-economic development of the country in 2019-2025”, said President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during the solemn ceremony of laying the social and industrial complex in the area of the Altyn Asyr Lake.

It is also the evidence of the success of large-scale work carried out to meet the people’s demand in housing, and further improve the standard of living of the population.

The first stage of the construction of a new village will be carried out in 2019-2022, the second one will start in 2022 and be completed in 2025.

80 one-story houses will be erected in frames of the first phase of the project: 60 houses with four-room flats and 20 houses with three-room flats, as well as the building of the Village Council, police and fire safety services, a secondary school for 260 places, a kindergarten for 160 places, a Centre of Culture, a Health Centre. Internal roads, gas and water supply systems, sewage systems, power lines will be laid there, and a water desalination plant will be built.

In frames of the second stage of construction, 44 four-room apartment houses, 88 three-room apartment houses will be erected.

A combined solar and wind power station with a capacity of 10 MW, a gas station, a grocery and industrial goods store, a park zone will also be built there.

All necessary onditions will be created for the population to practice cattle breeding, fishery, and vegetable farming. The President of Turkmenistan emphasized that the special attention would be paid to providing the residents of the new village with work and social protection.

In general, all conditions for life, work and leisure of people will be created in the new village. The Karakum Desert will change, a happy life will boil there. This is another evidence of the successful implementation of the policy “The state for a person!” The President of Turkmenistan underlined that this large-scale work demonstrated the great success achieved by our country in all spheres of state and public life.