Ï President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on the 74th anniversary of the great Victory

President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on the 74th anniversary of the great Victory

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“I cordially congratulate you on the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the 1941-1945Great Patriotic War! The Victory Day is the greatest event that embodied the people’s aspiration for peace, friendship and fraternity, the triumph of humanism and goodness”, says the President of Turkmenistan in his congratulatory address.

“In 2019, we celebrate the Victory Day with cultural events, hold meetings aimed at educating the younger generation to become patriotic and courageous, arrange musical festivities. The ceremony of laying flowers to the memorial complex "People's Memory" will take place in Ashgabat. Memorable events will be arranged in all cities and villages of the country.

“These events unite our society and inspire people to new creative achievements, foster the sense of the national pride among young people, play a big role in consolidating the efforts of the international community in strengthening peace and friendship.

“High price was paid for the victory. The war ruined hundreds of cities, brought devastation and famine, cut short the lives of millions of people. Despite the past decades, this aggressive, merciless in its cruelty war left pain and suffering, bitter memories in the hearts of the peoples of the world, including the Turkmen people. Our compatriots were in the ranks of the multinational army, the soldiers of which fought against hateful enemy with sacrifice and no fear. Our compatriots significantly contributed to achieving the Great Victory”, said the President of Turkmenistan.

“During the years of the ruthless war, the people of Turkmenistan worked hard; Turkmen home front workers helped the front, bringing the Victory Day closer. Our women handed over 7,392 kilograms of gold and silver jewelry to the Defense Fund, following the principles of humanism. It was during the war years when the Turkmen giant carpet “Turkmenin Kalby” was woven by Turkmen carpet weavers.

“We are sincerely proud of our courageous countrymen, we bow our heads before their military feats and learn therefrom the selfless love for the Motherland! They fought against the enemy with sacrifice and no fear, they worked hard in the rear, together with the representatives of other nations saved humanity from enslavement and death. Today we, the descendants of the heroes, are doing everything we can to preserve peace on the planet and strengthen friendship and fraternity between nations”, the message says.

“We are working hard to ensure the welfare of the people. We are confident that our aspirations will achieve success, because today, independent Turkmenistan enjoys enormous prestige all around the world as a peace-loving neutral state. The development of the social sphere is one of the key aspects of our public policy, and in this context, we successfully ensure that every citizen of the country lives a happy life.

“As always, our main task is to create favorable conditions for war and labor veterans – the wise elders, our gray-haired mothers. They significantly contribute to strengthening the unity and cohesion of our society, to the patriotic and humanitarian education of the younger generation. Successfully implementing our programmes on the further development of the country, carrying out socio-economic, cultural, educational, social and political transformations, we ensure a happy and prosperous life of the people of Turkmenistan.

“Annually, to commemorate the Victory in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War, valuable gifts are awarded to front-line soldiers and widows of soldiers in a solemn ceremony on behalf of the state. Veterans of war and labor are provided with benefits for rest and treatment in modern medical centers and health resorts of the country. We are proud of our veterans, who show an example of selfless love for the Motherland, making a great contribution to the patriotic education of the youth”, - emphasized he President of Turkmenistan in his Address.