Ï Representatives of international organizations give high assessment to the project of Turkmen Lake

Representatives of international organizations give high assessment to the project of Turkmen Lake

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Representatives of international organizations give high assessment to the project of Turkmen Lake
Briefing with the participation of the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, representatives of foreign and national mass media for highlighting of the subjects related to the project of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake in Karakum Desert as well as cooperation of our country with specialized UN departments in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals was held in Serdar etrap, Balkan Velayat.

Representatives of competent international organizations including the UN Development Programme, the UN Conference for Trade and Development, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, UN Environment Programme, UNESCO, UN Children Fund, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, the UN Population Fund, World Health Organization, European Union, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, World Bank, World Postal Association, Asian Development Fund, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, German International Cooperation Society, Central Asian Regional ecological Centre as well as the Guinness Record Book and foreign companies working in our country took part in the press conference.

Welcoming the participants, Director of International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development E. Aydogdiyev highlighted the importance of current event in the context of home and foreign policy of our country. It was mentioned that Turkmenistan was one of the first countries in the world, which adopted the SDGs on national level and actively participates in the implementation of the UN 2030 Global Agenda.

Having expressed the gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the attention to the cooperation with the United Nations, Permanent Coordinator of the UN in Turkmenistan Elena Panova noted dynamic and fruitful character of this old partnership.

The United Nations supports and is ready to help in attraction of modern ‘green’ technologies for the implementation of the projects related to the environment protection, rational use of water resources and their recycled use, Mrs Panova said further, having noted that it would be significant input of Turkmenistan to the implementation of 2030 Global Agenda and would support the achievements of the goas and objectives of sustainable development.

Special representative of the UN Secretary General, Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Natalya German expressed the gratitude to Turkmen side for the opportunity to take part in such important events as the launch of construction of the first settlement in the heart of Karakum desert on the bank of artificial Altyn Asyr water reserve.

She noted that this is not the first initiative of the Head of the Turkmenistan for protection and rational use of water resources and ecology in the basin of Aral Sea, which is aimed at the improvement of the conditions and growth of wealth of the population in the end.

The Head of the RCPDCA highlighted that approaches to regional partnership proposed by Turkmen side on international arena and based on accounting of the interest of all countries in integrated management of water resources deserve comprehensive support.

In her turn, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat Natalya Drozd has also highlighted that international community highly appreciates the efforts of the Government of Turkmenistan aimed at the promotion of the principles of water diplomacy and provision of environmental safety. These initiatives are to support the reduction of economic and ecological risks, provision of stability and prosperity of all countries in the region and their citizens.

In this regard, the Head of the OSCE Centre that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to the implementation of national programme in management of natural resources and the project of Altyn Asyr Lake is a bright example of this. As is known, this project is included to the Programme of activities for improvement of ecological, social and economic situation in Aral Sea basin, which is implemented under International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea.

Mrs Drozd said that during their last trip in the end of February, they have seen the uniqueness of this aquatic project of Turkmenistan, which allowed improving soil conditions of arable lands, solving the problems related to drought and soil salinization, making favourable conditions for the rest of migrating birds and development of livestock farming in the Karakums, with their own eyes.

Natalya Drozd has confirmed that the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat would continue providing comprehensive support important work for provision of ecological safety in the region in the context of the mitigation of the impact of the climate change and promotion of efficient natural management including in the sphere of stable management of water resources. For example, the Centre initiated the projects for support of the IFAS relative structures in the implementation of activities for natural protection and support of the countries of Aral Sea basin. Besides, it is planned to support in the organization of the Regional Conference for innovative technologies in management of natural resources, special attention would be paid to the implementation of the Orkhus Convention and promotion of number of other initiatives.

Regional Coordinator of the UN Food and Agricultural Programme for Central Asia Viorel Gutu highlighted in his speech that start of the construction of new settlements near Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake has a historical significance not only for Turkmenistan but for the entire region as well.

Having noted that important role in the programme elaborated by the FAO is given to the cultivation of plants resistant to dry climate, initiatives aimed at use of new, modern, resource saving technologies, the guest expressed the confidence that our project would be an important step toward successful implementation of these beginnings. The most important is that it is aimed at the sake of future generation, Mr Gutu highlighted.

Having congratulated the participants on current event representative of the World Bank David Sislen highlighted that new project is another evidence of positive feedback of the measures taken for provision of ecological wealth and stable development of the country.

Experience of Turkmenistan in the implementation of major projects such as construction of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake is an example for the whole world, Mr Sislen highlighted. Having expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for favourable conditions for productive work, the guest expressed the confidence that this partnership would have constructive character.

Representative of the UN Population Fund in Turkmenistan Lidia Bardakova noted fruitful 25-year cooperation with our country in the sphere of protection of maternity and childhood and reproductive health of women.

In this regard, it was highlighted that issues of the population are closely connected with such aspects as environmental protection and rational natural use. In particular, good ecology make positive effect on health of mother and newborn children.

Acting Permanent Representative of the UNDP in Turkmenistan Natalya Natzvilishvili highlighted that at present time, Turkmenistan plays leading role in the sphere of response to Aral Sea crisis.

We welcome all perspective initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, all activities for recovery of the consequences of Aral catastrophe and always willing to support their implementation, Mrs Natzvilishvili said.

New programme, which the UNDP plans to implement under the partnership with the government of Turkmenistan including such aspects as lands degradation, water deficiency, soil salinization, is aimed at this. Almost all organizations are involved in cooperation in these directions, for the last five years, the UN has invested more than 50 million US dollars to the projects of reduction of risks related to the climate change, energy and natural disasters.

Ecological stability, where the development of National Strategy for climate change is a good example, is among the main vectors of cooperation. Number of projectsis related to the implementation of innovations for efficient use of water, energy and land resources.

The UN Development Programme is always willing to help and share its best knowledge and practice for agricultural management in the most stable way, Mrs Natzvilishvili said, having noted that the priority is given to participation of rural women in these projects.

Finishing her speech, the UNDP representatives expressed the gratitude for the opportunity to take part in current event, which visually illustrates the activities of Turkmenistan on mitigation of the impacts of climate change.

According to the participants of the briefing, the project of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake would serve as a good example and solid foundation for cooperation in ecological, economic and social spheres.