Ï Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory

Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory

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Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory
Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory
Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory
Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory
Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory
Celebration events take place in honour of the Great Victory
Turkmenistan hold celebration events of the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945. Honouring of the veterans, those who, having deservingly performed their sacred duty, returned home as well as personnel of home front and soldiers’ widows has started in all parts of the country before the holiday.

Names of heroes who put their life for the future and happiness of current and future generations are written in golden letters to the history of Turkmen nation. This day, Turkmenistan citizens pay tribute to the memory of the Motherland defenders who were lost in the Great Patriotic War.

Early in the morning, numerous people have gathered at the Halk hakydasy (People’s Memory) Memorial Complex. Young warriors, the successors of combat traditions of Turkmen nation, patriotic advices of our brave ancestors, stood the guard of honour. Deputies of the Mejlis, heads of public organizations, representatives of military and law enforcement agencies, clergy, elders and youth, residents and guests of the capital were among the participants.

Turkmen people made deserving contribution to the Great Victory. Thousands of soldiers from Turkmenistan together with representatives of fraternal nations fought at the fronts in severe years of war demonstrating outstanding courage and heroism. Grandfather of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Berdimuhamed Annayev, whose life serves today as a sample of patriotism and courage to Turkmen youth, was among them.

Provision of deserved life of the veterans and those who were affected by stormy 40s became one of the important priorities of the state policy. Due to numerous benefits for the veterans, workers of home front, widows of soldiers presented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, all conditions for their deserved life have been made. Every year, the war veterans as well as widows of lost soldiers receive valuable gifts in honour of the Great Victory.

In their turn, being an example of selfless service to the Motherland, the veterans of war and labour make significant contribution to the strengthening of unity and solidarity of the society, work of patriotic education of younger generation.

The flowers from President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov were laid to the pedestal of the Baky şöhrat (Eternal Glory) Monument. Paying tribute to the heroes who lost in the battles of 1941 – 1945, heads of public organizations, deputies of National Parliament, representatives of military and law enforcement agencies, work collectives as well as residents and guests of the capital laid flowers to the monuments.

The participants paid tribute to the memory of glorious sons of Turkmen nation with a minute of silence. True, the enemy did not reach Turkmen land, but fearsome breath of war reached this place by painful death notifications, tears of children who became orphans, inconsolable widows and mothers…

Celebration events were held all over the country on this day. Residents of cities and villages laid flowers to the monuments built in honour of National heroes who put their lives in 1941 – 1945 war.

However, active peace-loving policy of Turkmenistan pursued by its leader President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov became the main unbreakable monument to the glory of exemplary feat of our countrymen.

Cultural events, bright musical performances were held all around the country on this day as the Victory Day is the holiday of victory of goodness, the celebration of spring life, peace, joy and happy child smiles.

This holiday is not just official as the one that addresses spiritual world of everyone, to the world where sources of individual – the citizen and human being, are hidden. It evokes the most sincere feelings in our hearts and unites everybody for who the great Patriotic War is not just historical event but also something bigger and more important.

Therefore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes, it has special importance for upbringing of deserving generation of Turkmenistan citizens who know their history and are proud of their ancestors, following their advices and protecting the peace they fought for.

In new historical age, our origins and heritage became that reliable foundation, on which the country builds its happy future. Memory and tradition to honour national heroes, which include the participants of the battles of the most bloodshed war – the Great Patriotic War…