Ï Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat

Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat

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Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Network of shops in walking distance to grow in Ashgabat
Projects of expansion of trade network of Turkmen capital have been developed. It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier Chary Gylyjov at the session of the Government on May 10.

It was informed that the projects developed together with the administration of Ashgabat provide combination of new facilities with architectural landscape of the city and the location in walking distance from residential estates.

Shops for retail sale of wide variety of food and consumer goods will be provided with modern equipment and have high quality service as well as all conditions for satisfaction of growing demand of the population.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that shopping outlets are the most important components of the infrastructure of any settlement. Therefore, increment of number of shops on the principle of their walking distance for the residents of the city is required for actively developing and growing Turkmen capital.

It was highlighted that modern shop is not just a hall with shelves and displays. First of all, these are comfort and service, satisfaction of consumer requirements, innovative approach to organization of trade. The exterior of the building has also to be attractive, the Head of the State said, having given the assignments on implementation of presented projects.