Ï Ashgabat prepares to the Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the CIS

Ashgabat prepares to the Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the CIS

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The XIV Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the CIS will be held in Turkmen capital on May 15 – 16. As is known, the development of versatile cooperation including humanitarian and cultural contacts with the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States is one of priority directions of foreign policy of our country.

Preparation to coming Forum, which will unite representatives of scientific, educational, cultural and art spheres of the Commonwealth countries, is carried out together with the CIS Executive Committee and Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation at present tiime. It is planned to adopt relative Resolution by the outcomes of the meeting, which would outline priority vectors of cooperation in these fields as well as in sports and tourism, youth affairs and informational sphere.

The Head of the state was informed about coming Forum at the session of the Government on May 10 by Vice-premier, Head of Foreign Ministry Rashid Meredov.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of current Forum in the context of enrichment of the content and activation of humanitarian and cultural cooperation of the Commonwealth space, exchange of practice, discussion of new projects and initiatives, strengthening of historical relations of friendship and brotherhood connection the nations of the CIS where Turkmenistan chairs this year.

Speaking of this, the President ordered to provide high organizational level of the Forum, which is to support practical implementation of existing potential of cooperation in this sphere and timely solution of all relative matters.

Having highlighted that cooperation in cultural and humanitarian sphere is one of priority vectors of foreign strategy for Turkmenistan, the President spoke for the currency of further development of cultural dialog at the CIS space.