Ï The President of Turkmenistan addresses greetings to the participants of the Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the CIS countries

The President of Turkmenistan addresses greetings to the participants of the Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the CIS countries

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Let me extend my congratulations on the opening of the XIV Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the Commonwealth of Independent States members. I am confident that this international forum has an important role in expansion of friendship and exchange of practice between representatives of cultural and scientific personnel of the CIS members, - greeting of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the participants of the meeting says.

Such large-scale cultural event of international level in Turkmenistan will be very important for further development of positive cooperation between our countries, familiarization with success achieved in culture and science.

2019 is held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” in our country. Forums, festivals, exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events of international level indicate the triumph and world recognition of the principles of friendship, brotherhood, humanity and peace-loving, which are fundamental for our state. The main goal of our state programmes is to provide political and economic development of the country, prosperous and happy life of people, constructive international cooperation, - the message says.

Today, we pay great attention to the enhancement of friendly relations with other states. Being a neutral state, Turkmenistan seeks for strengthening of universal peace and development of good relations between the countries and nations.

Gradual expansion of friendly contacts with the CIS members is one of the priorities of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. Being an associated member of the Commonwealth, Turkmenistan intensifies cultural cooperation with the states of the Organization. VII Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the CIS countries has been held on high level in Ashgabat in 2012. In the same year, Mary was announced as the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of Independent States while Dashoguz in 2016, which gave new impulse to mutual enrichment of national cultures and traditions of friendly countries. These events were very important for the expansion of humanitarian dialog between Turkmenistan and the CIS countries, for protection and popularization of national heritage and cultural values.

Successfully continuing close beneficial cooperation with the world community, we steadily develop international and humanitarian relations. Cultural links are also consolidated together with the activation of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the CIS members. Regular participation of national cultural personnel, art masters and scientists in international events in the Commonwealth of Independent States is an evidence of development of fruitful partnership in this field.

Big work for studying of national culture, art, science, historical heritage, primordial values of Turkmen nation as a unique component of the world culture is carried out at present time. Rich heritage gained by Turkmenistan for thousands of years occupies a significant place in cultural space of the world and there are many evidence of this.

Strong friendly relations between the representatives of cultural and scientific personnel of the Commonwealth countries, success achieved by our countries in cultural, art, literature, scientific spheres serve to the strengthening of friendship and brotherhood, triumph of the principles of peace and solidarity. Serving to this noble goals, bringing of friendly relations to new level are the duties of cultural and scientific personnel. I am confident that XIV Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the Commonwealth of Independent State would support the popularization of cultural and spiritual values of friendly nations, further development of cultural contacts between cultural personnel, art masters and scientists as well as to mutual exchange of practice, - the message of the President highlights.