Ï Astrakhan hosts the briefing dedicated to the I Caspian Economic Forum

Astrakhan hosts the briefing dedicated to the I Caspian Economic Forum

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Astrakhan hosts the briefing dedicated to the I Caspian Economic Forum
The Consulate of Turkmenistan together with the representatives of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Iran held the briefing dedicated to the I Caspian Economic Forum, which is to be held in Avaza National tourist zone in August, in the conference hall of the Caspian Institute of Maritime and River Transport in Astrakhan on May 14.

Personnel of the Ministries of international and foreign economic affairs, industry, transport and natural resources of Astrakhan region as well as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Astrakhan Fund of Support of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship, scientific circles, mass media took part in the event.

Personnel of Turkmenistan Consulate in Astrakhan presented the concept of coming forum and its official website. The role of international initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at activation of multidimensional cooperation in Caspian Sea and creation of new geographic economic space uniting Central Asia, Caspian, Baltic and Black Sea regions, Middle and Near east, South and Southeast Asia has been highlighted during the meeting. The focus was made on significant economic, transport and logistic, innovative, recreation and tourism potential of our country, which makes wide opportunities for efficient cooperation for sustainable development of the region. Presentation video was the visualization to the theme of the meeting.

In their term, diplomats and trade representatives of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Iran made presentation of economic, transport and logistic potential of their countries in the context of priorities of cooperation between Caspian states.