Ï Turkmenistan’s positive experience on water issues presented at the conference in Paris

Turkmenistan’s positive experience on water issues presented at the conference in Paris

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UNESCO headquarters in Paris hosted the International Water Conference. Turkmenistan was represented by a delegation, headed by Chairman of the State Committee for Water Management, A. Yazmyradov.

The objectives of the conference included the development of intersectoral approaches to the governance and management of water resources, share of good practices in this sphere, consultative support to Member States in reaching the goals of the water-related international agendas.

The conference brought together the delegations from almost 50 countries, the heads and representatives of authoritative international organizations, large companies, scientists and experts, the media. UNESCO Director General Audrey Azule opened the conference with a welcoming speech.

During the ministerial session, Chairman of the State Committee for Water Management, A. Yazmyradov told about the aspects of water diplomacy and the international initiatives put forward by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It was noted that the policy pursued by the Turkmen leader in the field of protection and efficient use of natural resources prioritized water issues.

The participants were acquainted with the major projects in this area, as well as the activities of Turkmenistan in frames of the presidency over IFAS and contribution to the implementation of the ASBP-4 Programme aimed at solving water management, environmental and socio-economic issues of the Aral Sea basin.

The forum participants expressed particular interest in the creation of a unique hydraulic facility in the Karakum Desert - the Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake and the development of the socio-economic infrastructure on the adjacent territory. It was emphasized that our country that had accumulated significant experience in irrigated agriculture in the arid zone demonstrates a comprehensive, scientifically based approach to water management issues.