Ï Sergey Lebedev: Turkmenistan demonstrates desire to develop common humanitarian space of the CIS

Sergey Lebedev: Turkmenistan demonstrates desire to develop common humanitarian space of the CIS

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Turkmen capital hosted plenary session of XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum. First, it was mentioned at the session that decision on chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS, which was made at the Summit of the Heads of the Commonwealth countries in Dushanbe in September 2018, is a great honour for our country and another opportunity to demonstrate the commitment to constructive international cooperation for common progress and prosperity.

Turkmenistan already has successful practice of chairing in the CIS. Back in 2012 and now, our country approach this mission with full responsibility realizing the scale and importance of undertaken objectives. As is known, the Concept of Turkmenistan chairing of the CIS in 2019, which reflects modern trends, visions and approaches to further development of interstate cooperation taking into account the requirements, which are the most urgent for all countries of the Commonwealth, has been developed.

Turkmenistan sees the main goal of its chairing in comprehensive support of the strengthening of partnership based on equal rights, goodwill and respect for maximum implementation of the CIS potential, in stable development of the Commonwealth countries, growth of wealth and life quality of our nations.

It was highlighted that friendly and trustful relations and traditional links between the CIS countries are not only the heritage of the Commonwealth. This is a heritage of entire Eurasia and an important factor of stability and security on the continent, which makes positive impact of the world agenda.

There are all reasons to say that 2019 will be the year of activation of joint efforts for improvement of efficiency of such structure as the Commonwealth of Independent States and the year of opening of new opportunities and horizons.

Speaking at the session, Chairman of the Executive Committee – Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev noted that the Forum steadily improve its role and authority as the main event in humanitarian life of the Commonwealth. Direct communication of science, art, education personnel supports the development of cultural dialog. Today, the Forum became the generator of new ideas, projects and initiatives by right.

Ashgabat has all condition and gives excellent opportunities for constructive and substantial dialog on key subjects of humanitarian agenda, which is a bright evidence of Turkmenistan intent to protect and develop common humanitarian space of the CIS, S. Lebedev highlighted and taking the opportunity, expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for support in organization of the Forum and close attention to all aspects of wide interstate cooperation under the CIS.

Mechanism of cooperation in the sphere of culture, science, exchange of books, archives, information, mass communications, sports, tourism, youth affairs is improved every year. While economic cooperation between the CIS countries is a material component of our partnership, humanitarian dialog is its spiritual part, which is as important as economic relations, because it unites people, culture of our nations, education and science, brings the youth closer, the Chairman of the Executive Committee - the Executive Secretary of the CIS said.

He noted that 10 organizations of profile cooperation as well as Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation work actively today. The practice of giving names to the years, which is held for 20 years in the Commonwealth, has recommended itself very well. For example, this year is held under slogan of the Year of Book. 2020 was announced as the Year of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. By the way, by the proposal of Turkmenistan made by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, 2021 will be the Year of Architecture and Construction.

Special attention is paid to inclusion of younger generation in reading of literature, organization of book exhibitions, promotion of books and reading. Such events have been held already in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia since the beginning of the year as well as are planned to be held in other Commonwealth countries. They will be held in Ashgabat under this forum.

Importance and significance of the involvement of younger generation to cultural dialog are recognized on all levels in the Commonwealth. Number of platforms including the forum of the CIS Youth organization, youth inter-parliamentary forum and other formats has been made for regular communication of the youth from the CIS countries. International youth project “100 ideas for the CIS” is implemented on permanent base. This autumn, Azerbaijan will host the finalists of the project by the outcomes of 2018 – 2019. Presentation exhibition of the best works will be organized with the support of this council. Youth Delphic Games, international festival of school sport, International Issyk- Kul Games, which are held annually and attract great number of participants and fans, are worth to be mentioned.

For example, support of development of national sports is one of the forms of cooperation under the Commonwealth. Important programme document, according to which the CIS Festival of National Sports has been established, is implemented since 2015. The todays agenda includes the CIS Games, which will be held in Kazan the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation in 2020.

Finishing the speech, Sergey Lebedev expressed the confidence that the meeting in Ashgabat would be deserving contribution to the strengthening and development of humanitarian and cultural cooperation in the Commonwealth. He also noted that the dialog has many important and interesting joint projects supporting the contacts and strengthening of understanding between people, mutual respect and friendship, protection and passing of historical relations between our nations to future generation, the ethnographic and cultural diversity and original traditions.