Ï Mikhail Shvidkoy: Humanitarian space unites in desire of creation

Mikhail Shvidkoy: Humanitarian space unites in desire of creation

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Speaking at XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum, Co-chairman of the Board of International Humanitarian Cooperation Fund, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvidkoy noted that it is pleasure for him to speak from the tribune in Ashgabat by many reasons including by the one that links to his memories of service his military duty in Turkmenistan. It was different time and many things have changed ever since, however, the cordiality, goodwill and hospitality of Turkmen nation remain the same.

Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for good attitude always paid to the CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum and big organizational work that has been made by the Government of Turkmenistan.

Speaking that panel discussion on the subject “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” would be held under the Forum, Mikhail Shvidkoy highlighted that nations, which were connected by geographically by this route, are linked historically today but the most important thing is that we are connected by common future.

The guest noted that we are glad that in addition to the representatives of the CIS countries, our friends from Ukraine, Georgia, Baltic countries are present at the session. This is humanitarian space that brings everybody together in desire of joint creation.

Our world is facing many threats. The world became more worrying, versatile, unpredictable in many cases and very complicated. However, the guest noted, we are glad that in addition to the representatives of the CIS countries, our friends from Ukraine, Georgia, Baltic countries are present at the session. This is humanitarian space that brings everybody together in desire of joint creation.

In the end, Mikhail Shvidkoy expressed the gratitude to the Government of Turkmenistan for hospitality and for the opportunity to gather in Turkmen land and to speak about important current problems, which face our countries.