Ï Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration

Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration

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Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
Humanitarian space of the CIS: Platform of integration
XIV CIS Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel, which is held under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States, has started its work in Turkmen capital. The theme of current Forum is Common Humanitarian Space of the Commonwealth: Dialog in cultural, scientific and educational spheres.

Around 200 delegates from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Russia including prominent public figures, art masters, scientists, heads of cultural organizations, scientific and educational centres, representatives of mass media have gathered this morning in the Mekan Palace. In front of the entrance, the guest were welcomed by the artists with musical performance by the folklore motifs.

Exhibition of museum values, visual, decorative and applied art articles of Turkmen nation as well as photos and books has been expanded in the hall of the palace. Such original presentation of cultural heritage and modern art life of the country has become an excellent forestall of the Forum, to participate in which heads and personnel of diplomatic corps accredited in our country and number of international organizations have been invited. Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and other members of the Government were among the participants.

Photography ceremony of the delegates of XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum took place before the beginning of the session. After, everybody went to the conference hall where the members of the board took their seats at the podium. The Board included Chairman of the Executive Committee – Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on International Cultural Cooperation M. Shvidkoy, Board Chairman of Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Polad Bulbul Ogly, IHCF Executive Director Anatoly Iksanov, Advisor of the President of the Russian Federation on Culture Vladimir Tolstoy and other.

The participants have listened to the congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the participants of XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum. Welcoming the representatives of the Commonwealth countries, the Head of the State highlighted that this international forum has an important role in expansion of friendly relations and share of practice, further development of traditionally friendly positive cooperation and mutual familiarization with success achieved in humanitarian sphere.

The message of Turkmen leader mentioned that Ashgabat hosted VII CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum in 2012 on high level. Mary and Dashoguz were announced as cultural capitals of the Commonwealth of Independent State in 2012 and 2016 respectively.

This meeting on hospitable Turkmen land is to become another contribution to rapprochement of the nations by cultural and art contacts, scientific and educational links supporting to the protection, succession and popularization of spiritual values.

After, Advisor of the President of the Russian Federation on Culture Vladimir Tolstoy read out the greeting of Russian leader Vladimir Putin addressed to the participants of XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum.

“Your meeting is hosted by hospitable Ashgabat in the year of Turkmenistan chairing of the CIS. Humanitarian cooperation is traditionally one of the most important directions of partnership under the Commonwealth. It is not occasionally that these annual forums, which provide direct dialog of the representatives of scientific and expert circles, youth and student organizations, educational, culture and art personnel, play such significant role in social life of our countries”, - the message says.

“You will have to discuss a wide range of current subjects, discuss professional practice and outline new joint projects and initiatives in various spheres. I hope that your work will be fruitful and productive and will serve to further enhancement of integrational processes in the Commonwealth as well as to strengthening of friendship and understanding between our nations”, - President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin summed up in his message.

Plenary session of the Forum took place afterwards. First, it was mentioned at the session that decision on chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS, which was made at the Summit of the Heads of the Commonwealth countries in Dushanbe in September 2018, is a great honour for our country and another opportunity to demonstrate the commitment to constructive international cooperation for common progress and prosperity.

Turkmenistan already has successful practice of chairing in the CIS. Back in 2012 and now, our country approach this mission with full responsibility realizing the scale and importance of undertaken objectives. As is known, the Concept of Turkmenistan chairing of the CIS in 2019, which reflects modern trends, visions and approaches to further development of interstate cooperation taking into account the requirements, which are the most urgent for all countries of the Commonwealth, has been developed under direct guidance of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Turkmenistan sees the main goal of its chairing in comprehensive support of the strengthening of partnership based on equal rights, goodwill and respect for maximum implementation of the CIS potential, in stable development of the Commonwealth countries, growth of wealth and life quality of our nations.

Speaking at the session, Chairman of the Executive Committee – Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev noted that the Forum steadily improve its role and authority as the main event in humanitarian life of the Commonwealth. Direct communication of science, art, education personnel supports the development of cultural dialog. Today, the Forum became the generator of new ideas, projects and initiatives by right.

Ashgabat has all condition and gives excellent opportunities for constructive and substantial dialog on key subjects of humanitarian agenda, which is a bright evidence of Turkmenistan intent to protect and develop common humanitarian space of the CIS, S. Lebedev highlighted.

Mechanism of cooperation in the sphere of culture, science, exchange of books, archives, information, mass communications, sports, tourism, youth affairs is improved every year. While economic cooperation between the CIS countries is a material component of our partnership, humanitarian dialog is its spiritual part, which is as important as economic relations, because it unites people, culture of our nations, education and science, brings the youth closer, the Chairman of the Executive Committee - the Executive Secretary of the CIS said.

He noted that 10 organizations of profile cooperation as well as Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation work actively today. The practice of giving names to the years, which is held for 20 years in the Commonwealth, has recommended itself very well. For example, this year is held under slogan of the Year of Book. 2020 was announced as the Year of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. By the way, by the proposal of Turkmenistan made by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, 2021 will be the Year of Architecture and Construction.

Special attention is paid to inclusion of younger generation in reading of literature, organization of book exhibitions, promotion of books and reading. Such events have been held already in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia since the beginning of the year as well as are planned to be held in other Commonwealth countries. They will be held in Ashgabat under this forum.

Forums of scientists, sessions of teachers and education personnel, during which equal dialog between different professional groups aimed at the integration takes place, have become traditional in the CIS together with the forums of scientific and cultural personnel. The CIS Online University is another important educational project.

954 aspirants for Master degrees, 460 of which were by the grants of the IHCF, received an opportunity to study in the CIS universities in the period from 2010 to 2018. Activation of cooperation in this format will be also supported by the adoption of the agreement on establishment and operation of the CIS Online University.

Importance and significance of the involvement of younger generation to cultural dialog are recognized on all levels in the Commonwealth. Number of platforms including the forum of the CIS Youth organization, youth inter-parliamentary forum and other formats has been made for regular communication of the youth from the CIS countries. International youth project “100 ideas for the CIS” is implemented on permanent base. This autumn, Azerbaijan will host the finalists of the project by the outcomes of 2018 – 2019.

Presentation exhibition of the best works will be organized with the support of this council. Youth Delphic Games, international festival of school sport, International Issyk- Kul Games, which are held annually and attract great number of participants and fans, are worth to be mentioned.

For example, support of development of national sports is one of the forms of cooperation under the Commonwealth. Important programme document, according to which the CIS Festival of National Sports has been established, is implemented since 2015. The todays agenda includes the CIS Games, which will be held in Kazan the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation in 2020.

Finishing the speech, Sergey Lebedev expressed the confidence that the meeting in Ashgabat would be deserving contribution to the strengthening and development of humanitarian and cultural cooperation in the Commonwealth.

In his speech, Board Chairman of the Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund Polad Bulbul Ogly continued the subject of youth affairs and education. 35 documents have been adopted on these subjects by the CIS highest authorities. It includes the Agreement on recognition of high education diplomas, on improvement of qualification of teachers, on the conferring of the status of basic organizations of the CIS countries to high educational institutes for training and improvement of qualification as we as retraining of specialists taking into account the market requirements of our countries.

Special attention is paid to inclusive education in the projects of the Fund. Every year, we support the projects aimed at the adaptation and socialization of children and young people with special development and deficiencies of physical development in modern society, the Board Chairman of the IHCF said.

Problem of occupancy of youth and development of youth entrepreneurship, improvement of legal awareness of youth is an important subject of cooperation. At the same time, the subjects of volunteer movement were not forgotten. In scientific sphere, the IHCF projects are aimed at joint use of unique facilities of scientific and technical infrastructures of the CIS countries.

Polad Bulbul Ogly made special mention of the sphere of cultural cooperation, having mentioned the most important projects and events, international and national activities in this direction like musical, theatre performances, movie festivals, joint exhibitions, contests, seminars and conferences.

Polad Bulbul Ogly expressed the gratitude to the IHCF team, the participants of all previosu and future projects, hosts of current forum all those who spare no efforts, skills and knowledge for creation of peaceful humanitarian space for our countries.

In the end as a representative of Azerbaijan, he said that Turkmen and Azeri nations are united by common roots. “We belong to one family and speak although different dialects but one language. Besides language and cultural proximity, there is mental similarity, which allows us understanding each other without words. Therefore, the interest in musical and poetic heritage of each other is so high in our countries”, - the guest, who was awarded with high title of People’s Artist of Turkmenistan.

Taking the opportunity, Polad Bulbul Ogly expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as to Turkmen nation for the trust. “I will try to justify your trust and will bear this high title with honour till the end of my life”, - the Head of the IHCF said and invited everyone to the concert of the CIS Youth Symphonic Orchestra, which was made on the base of the State Symphonic Orchestra of Turkmenistan.

In his turn, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvidkoy noted that it is pleasure for him to speak from the tribune in Ashgabat by many reasons including by the one that links to his memories of service his military duty in Turkmenistan. It was different time and many things have changed ever since, however, the cordiality, goodwill and hospitality of Turkmen nation remain the same.

Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for good attitude always paid to the CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum and big organizational work that has been made by the Government of Turkmenistan.

Speaking that panel discussion on the subject “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” would be held under the Forum, Mikhail Shvidkoy highlighted that nations, which were connected by geographically by this route, are linked historically today but the most important thing is that we are connected by common future. The guest noted that we are glad that in addition to the representatives of the CIS countries, our friends from Ukraine, Georgia, Baltic countries are present at the session. This is humanitarian space that brings everybody together in desire of joint creation.

In the end, Mikhail Shvidkoy expressed the gratitude to the Government of Turkmenistan for hospitality and for the opportunity to gather in Turkmen land and to speak about important current problems, which face our countries.

After, it was announced about the beginning of the award ceremony of the winners of interstate prize “The Stars of the Commonwealth”, which is conferred for the achievements in science and education, culture and art.

The following persons became the winners of The Star of the Commonwealth Interstate Award: People’s Artist of Azerbaijan, Honoured Art Master, Art Director and general Conductor of Azerbaijan State Symphonic Orchestra named after U. Gajibeyli Rauf Abdullayev; People’s Artist of the Republic of Armenia Robert Elibekyan. The award was also conferred to the collective of Belarus Institute of Powder Metallurgy named after Academic O. V. Romanov – scientists Pyotr Vityaz, Alexander Ilyuschenko and Mikhail Andreyev.

Poet from Kazakhstan, director of Zhazushy publishing house Esengaly Raushenov, People’s Author of the Kyrgyz Republic, President of Cinema Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic Mar Bayjiyev, Doctor of Medicine, Director off Moldavian State Medical and Pharmacological University Ion Ababiy, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, President of Russian National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” Mikhail Kovalchuk, Chief Scientist of the Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Ulmas Mirsaidov. People’s Artist of Turkmenistan, Professor of the Solo Singing Department of Turkmen National Conservatory Atageldy Garyagdiyev was the winner on the interstate award from our country.

The warmest wishes of health, prosperity and new bright success in their necessary and important work were addressed to the winners – true stars of the Commonwealth.

After, the plenary session was continued with the speeches of the heads of delegations of the CIS countries. Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rafig Bayramov, Acting Minister of Culture of the Republic of Armenia Nazeni Garibyan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Turkmenistan Oleg Tabanyuhov shared their visions of the perspectives of humanitarian cooperation from the tribune of the Forum.

Director of Abay Kazakh State Opera and Ballet Academic Theatre Aya Kaliyeva read the greeting message of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the participants of the Ashgabat forum. In addition, Deputy Minister of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic Kayrat Imanaliyev, President of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tajikistan Farhod Rahimi, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bahtiyer Sayfullayev and other made speeches at the session.

Understanding of valuable role of culture, art, literature and science in strengthening of old friendship and goodwill between our states was common leitmotif of substantial and emotional speeches. Every speaker spoke of national practice, his country and the importance of development of cultural dialog.

After plenary session under the XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum in the Mekan Palace, the briefing with participation of the Board members of the Forum, winners of the Star of the Commonwealth Interstate Award and representatives of Turkmen and foreign media took place.

Answers to the questions of the journalists highlighted the importance of humanitarian component as an integral factor of multidimensional cooperation on the CIS space, strengthening of traditional friendship relations, understanding and trust between the nations of the Commonwealth, protection and popularization of historical and cultural heritage, common humanistic values.

The confidence that this Forum, which is held in Ashgabat under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States, would be the generator of new ideas and project supporting further expansion of humanitarian cooperation in the CIS format and implementation of its rich potential.

Panel discussion, which subject was outlined by the name of two-volume work of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” was held in the afternoon in the conference hall of International University of Humanitarian Studies and Development under XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum.

Prominent humanitarian scientists including those who specialize in philosophy, social studies, history, oriental studies have analysed the evolution of the Silk Road from ancient time until our days and its current transformation to the corridor for intensive movement of commodities, technologies, ideas and people.

Special attention was paid to the popularization of the phenomenon of the Silk Road as a factor of rapprochement of the economies of Eurasian continent, its nations and cultures.

Presentation of the cultural capital of the Commonwealth in 2020 – Shymkent (The Republic of Kazakhstan) was held in the same university. In the evening, the delegates of the Forum watched the Melody of Dutar play performed by the Main Drama Theatre of Turkmenistan by the book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Music of Peace, Music of Friendship and Brotherhood”.