Ï Polad Bulbul Ogly: Turkmen and Azeri nations are united by common roots

Polad Bulbul Ogly: Turkmen and Azeri nations are united by common roots

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In his speech at XIV CIS Cultural and Scientific Personnel Forum, Board Chairman of the Interstate Humanitarian Cooperation Fund Polad Bulbul Ogly continued the subject of youth affairs and education. 35 documents have been adopted on these subjects by the CIS highest authorities. It includes the Agreement on recognition of high education diplomas, on improvement of qualification of teachers, on the conferring of the status of basic organizations of the CIS countries to high educational institutes for training and improvement of qualification as we as retraining of specialists taking into account the market requirements of our countries.

Special attention is paid to inclusive education in the projects of the Fund. Every year, we support the projects aimed at the adaptation and socialization of children and young people with special development and deficiencies of physical development in modern society, the Board Chairman of the IHCF said.

Problem of occupancy of youth and development of youth entrepreneurship, improvement of legal awareness of youth is an important subject of cooperation. At the same time, the subjects of volunteer movement were not forgotten. In scientific sphere, the IHCF projects are aimed at joint use of unique facilities of scientific and technical infrastructures of the CIS countries

Polad Bulbul Ogly made special mention of the sphere of cultural cooperation, having mentioned the most important projects and events, international and national activities in this direction like musical, theatre performances, movie festivals, joint exhibitions, contests, seminars and conferences.

According to the Head of the Fund, the IHCF supported the implementation of 735 multilateral projects, where 500,000 people from CIS, Baltic countries and Georgia took part, from 2007 to 2018 in general.

Polad Bulbul Ogly expressed the gratitude to the IHCF team, the participants of all previous and future projects, hosts of current forum all those who spare no efforts, skills and knowledge for creation of peaceful humanitarian space for our countries.

In the end as a representative of Azerbaijan, he said that Turkmen and Azeri nations are united by common roots. “We belong to one family and speak although different dialects but one language. Besides language and cultural proximity, there is mental similarity, which allows us understanding each other without words. Therefore, the interest in musical and poetic heritage of each other is so high in our countries”, - the guest, who was awarded with high title of People’s Artist of Turkmenistan.

Taking the opportunity, Polad Bulbul Ogly expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as to Turkmen nation for the trust. “I will try to justify your trust and will bear this high title with honour till the end of my life”, - the Head of the IHCF said and invited everyone to the concert of the CIS Youth Symphonic Orchestra, which was made on the base of the State Symphonic Orchestra of Turkmenistan.

The concert, which programme to include the works of the composers from the CIS countries, will be held in the Mukams Palace on May 16 and Polad Bulbul Ogly will sing his best songs at the concert.