Ï The President of Turkmenistan continues work about alabays and visits frontier outposts

The President of Turkmenistan continues work about alabays and visits frontier outposts

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The President of Turkmenistan continues work about alabays and visits frontier outposts
The Head of the State visited Ahalteke Equestrian Complex where he saw ahalteke horses and made a horse ride. At the territory of the complex, Turkmen leader has visited new born puppies of alabay, to whom according to the tradition, he gave the names taking into account their distinguishing features. At the same place, the President continued his art activity, having worked over his new book about alabays and afterwards, has paid visit to the frontier outpost nearby.

Early in the morning , the Head of the State came to Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan, which located in picturesque foothills of Kopetdag mountains. The head of the State visited Shapolat the horse and made a horse ride.

Being a skilful horse rider and master coach, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov treats ahalteke horses with special attitude and despite his tight schedule, always finds time to come and see them.

After, the President has watched the puppies of alabay, which play already shows such merits as desire to be the first, energy and courage. Braveness, endurance, reliability, dedication to the owner are character features of this breed of dogs, which preserved the purity and ancient genotype, which was also reflected in scientific information.

Watching the puppies, the Head of the state gave names to each of them following their distinguishing features, having noted that original traditions of our nation to give names to horses and dogs find continuation these days.

After, having went to his study, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has worked on his new book about alabays, in which important place would be given to the characteristics and abilities, which are inherent to this breed. According to scientific information, the alabays, which history is about several millenniums, have always been loyal companions and helps to human.

Turkmen alabays are distinguished with intelligence, unlimited bravery, instincts, excellent guarding skills as well as an absolute trust and dedication to the owner. The Head of the State said that this indicates their good character and nobility.

By their nature, the alabays are very independent, which provides their training. They look at strangers cautiously and menacingly at other dogs. At the same time, the alabays ate quite friendly with the members of the family especially with children.

As is known, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid great attention to gathering of information about the alabays, efficient archeological works in Jeytun, Altyndepe and Margush, which are thought to be the most ancient settlements of our country. By the initiative of the Head of the State, the Institute of Manuscripts has been founded in Turkmenistan, which scientists have gathered many information and manuscripts related to national values. All of these plays big role in study of the history of Turkmen nation and protection of its rich heritage.

In the result of scientific and research works, the scientist discovered the information related to the history of the alabay breed together with other data. Burials of dogs founded during archaeological excavations in Margush indicate that there was special attitude to these animals back then; the dogs had an important role in protection of property and borders.

Terracotta statuettes of the alabays, which were found in Altyndepe and made by skilful masters several thousand years before us as well as match of body structure of dogs, which used to live on the territory of our country in those ancient times, and alabays indicates ancient history of this breed.

Historical data received during the works in this direction will take deserving place in new book of the Head of the State. New book of the President will narrate about many interesting facts about the alabay, which is true friend of Turkmen nation as well as about the attention paid by the scientist to this breed. In addition, the Head of the State noted that the alabays are true friends and irreplaceable assistant of shepherds, reliable guard of the flocks, which indicates their noble features.

The President notes that new book will narrate about Turkmen nations attitude to strong, brave and intelligent dogs as to the members of the family throughout the ages as well as will give interesting information that these excellent dogs are the guards of houses and flocks and assistant to hunters until our days.

This breed was improved throughout the centuries. Long selection supported the protection and development of the best breed characteristics of the alabay. At present time, the work for breeding of purebred dogs is continued in our country.

It is worth mentioning that the President pays special attention to organic combination of historical sources and modern scientific information while writing his book. It provides the significance of works of the Head of the State for foreign readers.

Having completed his work, the President again analysed all gathered material, having outlined the direction for further activity.

After, Turkmen leader went to frontier outpost located nearby, which commander reported to President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the situation at the State border and service of border guard personnel.

Having received the report, the President congratulated border guard personnel on the Day of Constitution and State Flag of Turkmenistan and wished them success in fulfilment of responsible mission for protection of the borders.

The Head of the State asked the soldiers about their service and conditions for their life and rest. During the conversation with border guard personnel, Turkmen leader focused on national heritage, which is sincere pride of Turkmen nation and an integral component of the treasury of the world values, among which Turkmen carpets, ahalteke horses and Turkmen alabays occupy an important place. In this context, the President highlighted comprehensive service characteristics of the alabays, which are widely used atpresent for protection of the State border these days.

The Head of the State said that he presents seven alabay puppies to the border guard personnel. Having noted that Turkmen find number seven to be symbolical, the President expressed the confidence that these puppies would be reliable help in protection of the State border once they grow up.

The President noted that in the last few years, military and law enforcement agencies conduct special training sessions with the alabays, which resulted in detection of their skills to catch criminals and detect explosive substances.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State focused on the necessity of steadfast continuation of works for training of the alabays for service at the borders.

Having congratulated military personnel on coming holiday again and wished them success in their service, President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan Army general Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.