Ï Turkmen delegation participates in the World Hydroenergy Congress

Turkmen delegation participates in the World Hydroenergy Congress

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Representatives of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and Agricultural University took part in the World Hydroenergy Congress “Energy of Water in stable and interrelated world”, which was held in Paris on May 14 – 16.

The Congress was dedicated to the role of hydroenergy in the implementation of the Paris Treaty on Climate and the Sustainable Development Goals. Representatives of competent international organizations as well as delegations from more than 70 countries, which included scientists, experts and entrepreneurs, took part in the meeting aimed at the development of new approaches to cooperation taking into account economic, social and ecological aspects.

37 sessions and seminars have been organized under the congress, which became the platform for exchange of practice and efficient approaches to the problems of rational use of water resources and renewable sources of energy as well as discussion ground for various aspects of development of hydroenergy.

The congress was organized by International Association of Hydroenergy – non-profit organization established under the UNESCO aegis in 1995as a platform for spread of the practice in hydroenergy.

Организатор конгресса - Международная ассоциация гидроэнергетики - некоммерческая организация, созданная под эгидой ЮНЕСКО в 1995 году в качестве платформы для распространения передового опыта в области гидроэнергетики.