Ï New gas deposit is discovered in the east of the country

New gas deposit is discovered in the east of the country

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Drilling of 2,400 meter well has been completed by the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa at Tajibay Field in Carjew etrap, Lebap Velayat. Flow of sulphur free gas, which is very important for the industry, has been received from this well. At present, Scientific and Research Institute of the State Concern Türkmengaz works on estimation of the reserves of new deposit.

It was informed to the Head of the State by Vice-premier Myratgeldy Meredov t the session of the Government on May 17.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that efficient use of riches natural resources of Turkmenistan is an important condition of successful implementation of wide-scale programmes expanded in the country.

The Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to activate the works on entry of new oil and gas deposit to industrial operation. The projects implemented in this field are to support the growth of volumes of export of eco-friendly fuel as well as to reliable provision of new petrochemical facilities with raw materials.