Ï Main aspects of Turkmen – Japanese partnership to be discussed in Ashgabat

Main aspects of Turkmen – Japanese partnership to be discussed in Ashgabat

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Session of Turkmen – Japanese Committee for economic cooperation, which agenda includes wide range of subjects of bilateral cooperation, will be held in Ashgabat on May 23.

Vice-premier, foreign Minister Rashid Meredov informed at the session of the Government on May 17 that it is planned to discuss the measures for activation of interstate trade and economic relations including the perspective of direct business contacts, opening of joint ventures in different spheres, expansion of export and import operation, increment of trade as well as to elaborate relative proposals.

At the same time, subjects related to the participation of Japanese companies in big projects in oil, gas and chemical industries planned in Turkmenistan with the study of cooperation capabilities would be reviewed.

Future cooperation in construction industry, transport, communication and logistic sections, in particular in railroad industry, as well as supply of Japanese vehicles and opening of service centres in our country will be the subject of detailed discussion. Development of number of draft documents on the above-mentioned directions in carried out under the preparation to the session.

In addition, opportunities of expansion of cooperation and implementation of new technologies in health protection, agriculture, science, education and tourism will be reviewed at the session, which is planned to be resulted in signing of relative Protocol. It is also planned to organize number of bilateral meetings.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that further development of multidimensional cooperation with Japan, which is important business partner of Turkmenistan, is one of priority vectors in the context of consolidation of constructive dialog with the countries of Asian Pacific region.

Speaking of this, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of active use of existing potential of cooperation in trade and economic sphere including in industrial sector and in investment activity.

Having noted that the course of Turkmenistan to the industrialization is oriented to opening of scientifically based facilities working on the base of advanced efficient and eco-friendly technologies, Turkmen leader spoke for further study of practice of Japanese partners in this direction.

Today, there are big opportunities for successful consolidation of efforts in implementation of new joint projects in different spheres, diversification of productive business contacts. At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, humanitarian and cultural relations, which also have to be developed, remains an integral part of Turkmen – Japanese relations.

The Head of the State highlighted that mutual interest of the sides, supplemented by specific proposals and having significant regulatory and legal framework, makes reliable platform for expansion of interstate partnership. In this context, the Vice-premier, Head of Foreign Ministry received specific assignments for preparation to the session of Turkmen – Japanese committee for economic cooperation.