Ï The President of Turkmenistan addresses greetings to the participants of International Gas Congress

The President of Turkmenistan addresses greetings to the participants of International Gas Congress

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed greeting message to the participants of X International Gas Congress, which opens in Avaza National tourist zone. Having congratulated on the start of the forum, Turkmen leader expressed the confidence that traditional gas congress would open wide perspectives for establishment and strengthening of fruitful cooperation and development of friendly relations.

Being one of the richest countries in the world by hydrocarbon reserves, Turkmenistan tries to use its natural reserves for the interests of not only Turkmen citizens but also for the nations of the region and entire planet. The Gas Congress supports the development of the partnership between oil and gas industry of our country and foreign companies. Undoubtedly, excellent conditions would be available at the forum for demonstration of the potential of national oil and gas sphere and activation of business relations, the message says.

The Congress is very important in the context of the increment of rates of industrialization of Turkmenistan, diversification of national economy, attraction of investment for joint development of oil and gas deposits, implementation of priority programmes of production of petroleum commodities, which are on high demand in the world market.

Together with review of current issues, specialists participating in the work of X Turkmenistan International Gas Congress will share the visions and proposals on export capabilities of gas pipelines, development of important directions of gas processing and attraction of investments to petrochemical sphere, construction of new production facilities of oil and gas industry, the message says.

The Head of the State noted that at present, implementation of advanced scientific developments, latest technologies and equipment at the facilities of oil, gas and petrochemical industries and provision of their environmental safety are the main requirements.

At present, our country exports gas to the People’s Republic of china and Russian Federation. Construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan - Pakistan – India gas line is carried out at high rates. Completion of construction project of this main gas line will make positive effect on strengthening of economies of all countries of the region.

Turkmenistan does not limit itself with the use of huge capabilities related to the export of natural gas. We also pay great attention to the development of processing industry in the country. This is indicated by the facilities, have been were built recently. Polymeric plant in Kiyanly, which was put into operation in 2018, petrochemical complex for production of gasoline from natural gas in Ovadandepe where commissioning works are at the final stage are major production facilities not only in the region but in the world. Turkmenistan has big future in this industry, - the President expressed the confidence.

The expansion of works for phased development of Galkynysh gas deposit has also been mentioned in the message. Excellent conditions and favourable investment climate has been made on high level in the country for attraction of investments to this direction.

Turkmen land is rich with natural resources. It has many minerals. In the last year, exploration, development and processing of natural gas became the main requirements. Solution of economic issues is not possible without fuel and energy complex. Strengthening the cooperation with foreign states in oil and gas industry, Turkmenistan takes an active part in solution of these issues. It would also be continued in the future, Turkmen leader highlights.

I am confident that the Congress will support the intensification of international cooperation in gas sphere and will be an open ground for exchange of practice, - the message of the President says.