Ï Delegation of Turkmenistan – a guest of honour at the ITF Ministerial Summit

Delegation of Turkmenistan – a guest of honour at the ITF Ministerial Summit

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Delegation of Turkmenistan – a guest of honour at the ITF Ministerial Summit
The delegation of our country, including Minister of Industry and Communications, Tahirberdy Durhanov, as well as the representatives of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in France, takes part in the Ministerial Summit of the International Transport Forum (ITF) in Leipzig (Germany).

The annual summit is attended by the ministers of transport of the ITF member countries, representatives of authoritative international organizations, European business circles, specialized media and experts. The current meeting that focuses on “Transport Connectivity for Regional Integration” involves delegates from 72 countries. 47 states are represented at the level of ministers and deputy ministers. Turkmenistan is invited to the forum as a guest of honour.

Secretary-General of the International Transport Forum, Young Tae Kim (Republic of Korea) welcomed the members of the Turkmen delegation. During the meeting, Mr. Kim was acquainted with the transport diplomacy of our country, as well as with the international initiatives put forward by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the aim to create international transport and transit corridors.

The major investment projects aimed at strengthening Turkmenistan as a transit and transport hub of regional and continental importance were presented to Young Tae Kim.

The Turkmen delegation held a number of bilateral meetings with top managers of major transport companies in Europe, during which promising areas of cooperation were identified.

The International Transport Forum is an inter-governmental organization within the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) system. ITF brings together 59 member states. The ITF executive organ - Secretariat is based at the OECD's headquarters in Paris, France. It acts as a think tank for transport policy issues and organizes the annual global summit of transport ministers.

The ITF goals are to advance the global transport policy agenda, and ensure that it continues to contribute to sustainable development, prosperity, social inclusion and the protection of human life and well-being.