Ï New Apartment Buildings Officially Open in Capital Ahead of Ashgabat City Day

New Apartment Buildings Officially Open in Capital Ahead of Ashgabat City Day

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New Apartment Buildings Officially Open in Capital Ahead of Ashgabat City Day
Four new high-rise apartment buildings in the residential neighborhood, Parakhat-7/3, and a new park in Byuzmein etrap are welcome additions to the capital ahead of Ashgabat City Day.

Three of the high-risers are home to 108 apartments each and the other houses 54 apartments. New tenants have been officially handed the keys to their well-planned comfortable apartments with kitchens fitted with modern appliances, utility rooms, and balconies.

Not only did builders prepare everything necessary for the tenants to move in, they also took care of the areas immediately adjacent to the buildings, which boast community infrastructure, asphalt roads, and street lighting. Trees and flowers were planted as well.

Then, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to mark the formal launch of construction for 23 nine-story apartment buildings and a park in the residential neighborhood, Parakhat-7. The project also envisages building utility systems and new roads. Performances by performing groups brightened the event and added to the festive atmosphere.

Along with the apartment buildings, the new park was officially opened in Ashgabat’s Byuzmein etrap.