Ï Aspects of activation of Turkmen – Belarusian partnership are discussed in Ashgabat

Aspects of activation of Turkmen – Belarusian partnership are discussed in Ashgabat

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The capital hosted the session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Belarusian Committee for economic cooperation with the participation of heads and leading specialists of profile ministries and departments as well as business circles of both states. Representative delegation of led by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Igor Lyashenko has come to our country on this occasion.

The agenda of the meeting held in the Ministry of Industry and Communication included wide range of subjects in the context of practical implementation of existing agreements reached on high level between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as well as priority directions of further development of bilateral cooperation.

Having stated with delight fruitful character of versatile interstate dialog based on the principles of mutual respect and transparency, the participants of the session noted an important role of Interstate Committee, which activity mainly supports the expansion of productive cooperation in different spheres as well as comprehensive improvement of friendship, trust and understanding between two fraternal nations.

During the talks, the sides discussed and outlined number of specific measures, which are to support the diversification of partnership in trade and economic spheres, expansion of volumes of trade. In this context, the necessity of additional measures aimed at the increment of export and import operations and expansion of the variety of commodities and services has been noted.

During exchange of the visions, the sides expressed mutual interest in activation of business relations and maximum use of potential capabilities of two countries, which have powerful resource base and developed infrastructure for implementation of new joint projects. Agricultural complex, heavy engineering, textile and light industry, construction, transport, communication and number of other spheres, to development of which Head of Turkmen State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention, were highlighted among priority spheres.

In particular, the proposals on supply of heavy vehicles and buses, agricultural and lifting equipment produced by Belarus to Turkmenistan has been made. Subjects related to the opening of the Service Centre of Belarusian Equipment and organization of presentation exhibition of heavy engineering equipment have been discussed.

In this regard, the importance of activation of business contacts between the Unions of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and Commerce and Industrial Chambers of both states has been noted.

Partnership in the sphere of information technologies including use pf programme software in banking system, introduction of automatic information systems of control of cargo transportation for railroads of Turkmenistan, accounting and payment of utility services.

Having highlighted big positive role of cultural and humanitarian contacts in interstate relations, in rapprochement and understanding of Turkmen and Belarusian people, the sides stated the presence of old and solid traditions of cooperation in cultural, health protection, sport and tourism spheres.

Having noted positive dynamics of cooperation between national Academies of Sciences and profile education structures, leading universities of two countries, the participants of the meeting spoke unanimously for further strengthening and expansion of relations in this direction including in the joint scientific studies, training and improvement of qualification of personnel.

Agreement on the third session of bilateral commission for cooperation in science and technologies as well as on the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Belarus in 2019 has been reached.

Relative protocol has been signed by the outcomes of the session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Belarusian Committee for economic cooperation.

During the visit to Turkmenistan, the delegation of the Republic of Belarus plans to familiarize with the work of Türkmen Aýna önümleri facility as well as to have number of bilateral meetings in certain ministries and departments where perspectives of joint work in specific directions will be discussed.