Ï Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019

Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019

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Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
Directions of beneficial partnership are specified at the fields of TGC 2019
X International Gas Congress, which outlined new vectors of development of interstate cooperation in gas sphere and supported the coordination of joint plans for future, has accomplished its work in Avaza National tourist zone.

Atmosphere and course of discussions at the Congress was provided by the fact that the role of natural gas as the most ecologically acceptable and economically beneficial energy resource, which supports stable development of the countries, is growing rapidly in the world energy industry. Therefore, the intent of leading companies of the planet to establish close cooperation with our country, which has rich reserves of gas in the world, is quite legitimate.

Demand on energy is the key indicator for any energy forecast. In this case, the opinion of experts is clear –Asia will be in the focus in international gas trade for next three decades, which will lead to the necessity of formation of gas transport and gas processing infrastructure. Thus, geographic factor strengthens the positions of Turkmenistan in the world energy markets. Special interest raised by the presentation of the projects of industrial development of largest Galkynysh Field and construction of transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India among the participants of the Congress became another evidence to this.

At the same time, opportunities of supply of Turkmen gas to Europe and Russian, plans for increment of throughput capacity of Central Asia – China gas line have been actively discussed at the sessions and fields of the Forum.

Diversification of oil and gas industry and enhancement of its innovative component are important aspects of energy strategy steadily implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Rating of the companies successfully working in this direction are headed now by representatives of business circles of the Republic of Korean and Japan, together with which number of big projects of deep processing of natural gas has been implemented.

At the same time, it was said at the forum that Turkmenistan is open for other investors offering the projects of construction of super modern facilities making variety of petrochemical production based on advanced technologies and latest scientific and technical developments.

Perspective directions of cooperation in oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan were discussed on the second day of the Congress. Reports of top managers and specialists of structural divisions of Turkmen fuel and energy complex – Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex and the State Concern Türkmengaz, hve been listened with keen interest.

At present time, Conceptual strategy of development of Turkmenbashy refinery Complex and Seydi Refinery is under development at the request of the Head of the State. Capabilities of Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex and Seydi Refinery will be analysed in details, perspective directions of their further development as well as optimum variety of petroleum products, which are on high demand in the world market and can be produced at the facilities of the complex, will be outlined.

In particular, it is planned to build new technological lines, which will refine the oil up to 90 percent, at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex. It includes the complex of units for hydro treatment of diesel fractions and gasolines, catalyst cracking of heavy residuals of oil refining as well as the installations for production of high quality base technical oils.

In addition, technical and economic feasibility of production of benzene at Seydi Refinery for its further use as a raw material for production of valuable products like polystyrene and rubber, which are on high demand in the world market, is studied. In addition, the construction of these units will allow Turkmen petrochemical industry to start the production of gasoline meeting Euro 5 standards.

Representatives of PETRONAS (Malaysia) and Chinese National Petroleum Corporation presented the review of their activity in Turkmenistan.

International petroleum company PETRONAS works for more than 20 years in Turkmenistan on the base of the Production Sharing Agreement on Block 1 in Caspian Sea. For this period, PETRONAS has invested more than 10.7 billion US dollars to the exploration and development of contractual territory , which is located 80 km to the southwest from Turkmenbashy.

At present moment, intensive production of oil and gas is carried out at Magtumguly and Diyarbekir Fields. Activation of drilling works in the western part of Garagol Deniz Field is also planned. This project includes the construction of offshore platform, which will be connected with onshore gas terminal in Kiyanly by the pipeline. Gas treatment plant and hydrocarbon separation units for separation of oil, condensate and associated gas has been built previously in this place.

Starting from 1998, the company implements international educational programme for the school graduates of Turkmenistan who study in University of Technology of PETRONAS. This university has also signed the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation with International Oil and Gas University of our country for creation of favourable climate for education and research activity.

In its turn, Chinese National Petroleum Corporation make exploration, development and production at Bagtiyarlyk territory, which became one of the sources for Turkmenistan – China gas pipeline. Starting from 2007 when the Production Sharing Agreement was signed, big volume of works has been carried out at the right bank of Amudary River related to seismic surveys, drilling of new exploration and production wells.

It resulted in discovery of new gas deposits including in Samandepe field (Block A) as well as eastern, southern and northern parts of Bagtiyarlyk contractual territory (Blcok B). High debits of oil and gas were receied during well tests in central part of Amudarya basin. Two gas processing plants at Samandepe Field and Hojambaz etrap, more than 110 test and production wells as well as other facilities of production, logistic and social infrastructure have been built.

At present time, Amudarya Regional Gas Company, which is the part of CNPC, continues work on improvement of material base of Turkmenistan – China pipeline. The first phase of the project of development of the field, which located in eastern part of Bagtiyarlyk contractual territory, has been successfully implemented

Construction of gas collection stations, pipelines, gas treatment unit and other infrastructural facilities has been carried out in this place in 2018. Six directional wells, which tests showed high debits of gas, have been prepared for production. In January this year, first batch of high quality sale gas has been produced there.

It is planned to start industrial production of gas in the eastern part of B Block in the end of 2019. It is expected that completion of the first phase of the project will provide the production of 1.7 billion cubic meters of gas per year. Total volume of product supplied to Turkmenistan – China pipeline from the fields of Bagtiyarlyk contractual territory is more than 82 billion cubic meters today.

Direction of International Oil and Gas University spoke in details about training of personnel for oil and gas industry of our country and international cooperation in this field.

Numerous business meetings between foreign businessmen and heads of oil and gas departments and concerns of Turkmenistan, during which specific proposals for establishment of beneficial partnership in different spheres of national gas industry, have been held under X International Gas Congress.