Ï Poultry complex is opened in Ahal Velayat

Poultry complex is opened in Ahal Velayat

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Poultry complex is opened in Ahal Velayat
Poultry complex is opened in Ahal Velayat
Poultry complex is opened in Ahal Velayat
Poultry complex is opened in Ahal Velayat
The opening ceremony of modern poultry complex for production of chicken meat and eggs was held in Kaahka etrap.

During the events with participation of deputy hyakim Ahal Velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov, representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, local administration, honoured elders, youth, numerous residents, it was noted that provision of food abundance in the country is one of priorities of social and economic policy. Due to integrated measures aimed at intensive development of agrarian sector and food industry, comprehensive government support of national manufacturers, significant results have been achieved in this sphere.

Current event is another important step to successful implementation of the State programme for production of import substitutive goods and increment of export volumes. Significant investments are sent to creation of modern agricultural infrastructure, which is to support integrated development of the regions and economic prosperity of the state.

Poultry complex, which was built by work order of Röwşen-Rahym farming Association by Gozgan Gala business entity, would produce 30 million eggs and 80 tons of chiken meat per year. The complex has four incubators where 100,000 birds can be bred at the same time. It has special premises for nesting as well as for small chickens. All shops are fully automated and provided with specialized equipment including for comfortable microclimate, air and water purification, etc.

Entrepreneurs received 105 hectares of land in long –term lease, 5 hectares of which are occupied by production facilities while other are allocated for growing of forage crops. At present time, the poultry complex has more than 92,000 chickens including those, which were brought from Iran and Turkey. The Production of the facility will be sold in local market and send for export.

Dozens of work place have been opened in this place and proper conditions for work and rest of personnel, who has a canteen, recreation rooms, have been made there. Efficiency of full working cycle, which is taken as the base by private agrarian companies, allows increasing the quality of production and profitability of the complex.