Ï Vectors of diversification of Turkmen – Japanese cooperation are outlined

Vectors of diversification of Turkmen – Japanese cooperation are outlined

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Conference hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted 13th session of Turkmen – Japanese Committee for economic cooperation. Big delegation of representatives of the main ministries, departments and business structures of Japan led by Vice-president of ITOCHU Corporation Yoichi Kobayashi has come to Ashgabat for participation in the meeting. Heads of representatives of leading profile ministries, departments and business circles of our country took part in the session from Turkmen side.

The guest confirmed the intent of business circles of Japan to expand their presence in dynamically growing Turkmen market taking part in the implementation of large0scale reforms expanded in the country in the context of progressive policy of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

It was highlighted during the session that our countries demonstrate mutual commitment to traditional friendship relations, intent to strengthen productive links taking into account lon-term perspective. Turkmen – Japanese cooperation is also successfully developed in multilateral format, in particular under the Central Asia + Japan Dialog, which received systematic character.

The agenda of current session included the subjects of further development of bilateral trade and economic relation including increment of trade volumes, strengthening of direct business contacts, establishment of joint ventures in different spheres, stimulation of investment activity.

Special emphasis has been made on priority directions of the partnership, which has significant versatile potential taking into account the course of Turkmenistan to industrialization and diversification of national economy, creation of scientifically based production facilities producing high quality competitive commodities.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that bilateral documents signed during the visit of Turkmen delegation to Japan in March this year by the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which were aimed at activation of cooperation in fuel and energy complex, transport, logistics, exchange of technologies, have given the impulse to the strengthening of cooperation.

Oil, gas and petrochemical industries were also in the focus of discussion at current session of Turkmen – Japanese Committee for economic cooperation. Japanese companies have recommended well themselves as reliable partners in the implementation of big industrial projects such as the construction of ammonia and carbamide complex in Mary, carbamide plant in Garabogaz, polyethylene and polypropylene plant in Kiyanly, the plant for production of synthetic gasoline from gas in Ahal Velayat.

It was mentioned that this positive practice provides the interest of Turkmenistan in further attraction of the experience and technologies of Japanese corporations for implementation of new projects in petrochemical industry as there are huge opportunities for productive cooperation in construction of other joint facilities of chemical industry including for production of ammonia, carbamide and phosphate fertilizers. Orientation to diversification of production branches and achievement of integrated development of national economy are distinguishing features of investment programmes in our country.

There are also wide opportunities for strengthening of relations in transport, logistic and communication sphere, agriculture and other directions where consolidation of the interest seems to be the most efficient.

During the work of the Committee, the sides have focused on the perspective of activation of relations in science and education. Oguzkhan Engineering and Technology University and Japanese branch in D. Azadi Turkmen Institute of World Languages where experienced lecturers from Japan work have been brought as an example. Specialized secondary school, which educational programme includes Japanese language, has also been mentioned.

In addition, exchange of lecturers, post graduates, students, organization of distant course, joint studies with the participation of students and mentors of Turkmenistan and Japan universities, scientific seminars and conferences, exchange of technical literature, educational and methodological documentation were named among the main directions of the partnership.

In the end of the session, the participants highlighted again significant progress in development of bilateral relations and big importance of regular meetings allowing outlining new vectors of beneficial cooperation, which serves as a catalyst of Turkmen – Japanese cooperation in all spectrum.

Number of documents aimed at further development of Turkmen – Japanese partnership has been signed by the outcomes of the session.