Ï The President of Turkmenistan highlights priority objectives of Ashgabat’s development

The President of Turkmenistan highlights priority objectives of Ashgabat’s development

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In the morning, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov followed by the Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies as well as the Hyakim of Ashgabat has inspected the works in the centre of the capital, having focused on the provision of good condition of the main avenues of the city.

In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of systematic measures for successful solution of objectives aimed at the implementation of integrated urban construction programme expanded in Ashgabat.

Having focused on the planning and special features of parking zones, the Head of the state noted the necessity of comprehensive and scientifically based approach to care of green plantations. The President of Turkmenistan has also gave specific assignments to the Hyakim for creation of necessary conditions in parks for comfortable recreation of the citizens.

According to the order of the President, the implementation of urban construction company is carried out on integrated base where social component is the utmost priority. This is one of the key directions of the policy of the President of Turkmenistan.

It is necessary to take into consideration functional purpose and operational characteristics of the buildings and facilities during their construction, to provide necessary social, living, engineering and technical, transport and communication infrastructures, the President said. Integrated approach has to be used during creation of park zone and care of existing garden facilities.

The Head of the State noted that all facilities under construction have to match beautiful architectural ensemble of the capital. At the same time, Turkmen leader noted that aesthetic component of new buildings, their compliance with ecological standards, planning of surrounding territories, formation of necessary infrastructure, provision of optimum conditions for creative work and comfortable rest of Turkmen citizens are important requirements.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a meeting in the administration of the capital dedicated to the issues of further development and planning of Ashgabat. Members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Speaker of the Mejlis, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, city and district administrations, public organizations, mass media, directors of universities took part in the meeting.

Having announced the agenda, the President informed that he took a decision to meet the heads of the capital administration on the threshold of the Day of white-marble Ashgabat to congratulate everybody on this holiday as well as to discuss all unsolved issues and existing deficiencies related to the city.

Having noted the Day of Ashgabat was instituted by the Order of the President of Turkmenistan from May 25, 2013 for popularization of historical and large-scale changes, which have not been made yet in the cities and villages of our country, the Head of the State ordered all relative officials to hold this wonderful celebration on high organizational level.

It has been six years since then, the President continued. For this short period, Ashgabat improved its role as political, social and economic, scientific, educational and cultural centre of our independent state. International authority of our white-marble capital, which became recognized peace-making, cultural and business centre of the region has grown.

It is not only those who come to Ashgabat for the first time but also usual guests enjoy the beauty of he city and its rapid growth, the Head of the State said. This is quite logical. Large-scale urban construction programme changed unique image of the capital beyond recognition. Beautiful high-rise buildings, new facilities continue impressing the guests. The expansion and magnificence of new constructions, their scientific base and social and living purpose impress Ashgabat tenants as well.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our beautiful capital has many facilities, which were entered to the Guinness World Record Book. This is an evidence of the recognition of huge success in development of Ashgabat on the world level. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the capital of independent Turkmenistan is mentioned in the Guinness record book as a city with the biggest number of buildings tiled with marble.

Old residents recollect that once Ashgabat looked like a province town and had small buildings. Now, for short historical period, Turkmen capital gained its current striking beauty and charm, which was the result of the implementation of urban construction programme.

Annexation of the settlements of Ruhabat etrap and Abadan town to Ashgabat has significantly increased its borders. It supported the increment of social and economic potential of the regions surrounding the main city of the country and improvement of social and living conditions of the population.

At the same time, the President said, we, especially the administration of Ashgabat, have number of issues, which solution would improve the prestige of the capital as a beautiful city comfortable for work and life.

Having noted that the rates of construction works remain high in the capital and regions, the Head of the state highlighted that the city administration has to enforce the control of the order of construction of new buildings and facilities. It is necessary to bring the cities and avenues of Ashgabat to proper condition, to provide the construction and timely opening of new streets.

Continuing the subject, the President of Turkmenistan stated that unfortunately, the heads of the capital and district administrations do not pay due attention to the order in the city, lost control of the situation. It leads to the situation when illegal construction takes place in the capital, which not only spoil architectural image but also make harm to ecological wealth.

Turkmen leader highlighted that construction in Ashgabat is carried out on integrated base. The guests coming to our country including urban construction specialists and architects are impressed with the forethought, with which residential districts of the capital are built. They are constructed together with surrounding infrastructure, children and sport grounds, wide streets, social facilities like schools, kindergartens, medical facilities, shops and other necessary infrastructure, which is to provide favourable conditions in the districts.

However, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, it was found out that some of the facilities are not used according to the designation. For example, second floors of number of buildings designated for grocery and general purpose stores are used as fitness clubs, different sections, disco centres as other purposes. As a fact, there are special places for this, which are also not used according to their designation.

It was heavily raining in the country this year. Sewage and drainage was not capable to manage these flows of water and it means that it is necessary to take proper measures for increment of throughput capacity, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out.

Recently, the Ministry of Municipal services has been abolished and its duties have been assigned to the administration of the city for rapid elimination of the moments disturbing the work and immediate solution of all issues. As is known, numerous of different butterflies and other insects have appeared in the city due to high humidity after many days of rains. However, local authorities and the ministry of agriculture and natural Protection have not done out relative work for prevention of this occurrence.

In this context, the President highlighted the necessity of urgent measures for prevention of violation of ecological standards. These remarks are related to the organization, which are supposed to monitor the insects and reduction of their harmful impact.

Provision of ecological wealth of our cities and villages is one of the priorities of the state policy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. For this purpose, new modern equipment and is always procured vehicles for support of the cleanness of streets, collection and disposal of garbage. Despite this fact, there are many issues in this sphere, which require immediate solution, which are first of all related to the disposal of plastic wastes.

Food industry is developed under high rates in Turkmenistan. Big role in this activity belongs to entrepreneurs. Wide variety of healthy and tasty soft drinks are produced in the country. it is not only bottled but also packed in plastic containers. Bottled drinks looked more attractive but use of plastic is dictated by actual realities.

In this regard, the Head of the State noted that sale of soft drinks is allowed according to international standards in plastic packs during big sport competitions and public events. Use of plastic leads to increment of relative wastes.

The growth of handy but dangerous from environmental point of view plastic containers and other similar production complicates the issues as the decay period of this material is more than hundred years. In the cities of some countries, plastic wastes blocked water drains, which led to flood.

Despite the fact that there is no such problems in our country, the city administration hs to enforce the works on recycling and second use of plastic production, Turkmen leader said.

Turning over to the next subject of the agenda, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan takes large-scale measures for modernization and construction of roads and streets. Modern highway are built. Having connected all regions of the country, these routes would also give opportunities for entry to neighbouring states.

Modern road and transport infrastructure is formed up in the cities and towns of the country. These routes are laid taking into account the future and that number of private and state transport will systematically grow.

The President noted that at present time, number of vehicles on the roads is growing and it leads to quick removal of road marking. Relative services of city administration do not consider this circumstance properly. Accurate road marking is one of the key conditions of road traffic safety.

Continuing the subject related to transport, the Head of the country stated that taking into account the expansion of the cities, latest intercity and city buses are systematically procured. Light vehicles are also purchased to be used as a taxi. These are very comfortable cars provided with modern equipment, which take the passengers fast and with comfort to any part of the city.

However, there were the case when the taxi drivers, which are supposed to work inside Ashgabat, go beyond the borders of the capital trying to make more money. This is not acceptable as there is special transport for intercity routes. This is the reason leading to the demand on private taxis. Some of drivers providing such services often does not have neither appropriate license, nor driving license or practice of driving the passengers. This situation makes negative impact of provision of safety on the roads, in which regard the administration of Ashgabat has to pay the attention to solution of this problem, the Head of the State highlighted.

Coming back to the subject of provision of ecological wealth in cities and villages of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of stimulation of plantation of numerous trees and flowers in the settlements. Our parks and gardens are comfortable places for rest of people. We have to plant more trees paying attention to the collection of fallen leaves at the same time, the Head of the State said.

Local administration has to pay special attention to these works as Ashgabat regularly hosts big events including on international level. Therefore, it is necessary to make optimum conditions for comfort and ecology for the guests and population of the country in the capital and other cities, the President noted, having demanded the heads of capital administration to correct the above-mentioned deficiencies as soon as possible.

Addressing Minister of Interior I. Mulikov, the Head of the State ordered to improve the efficiency of activity of his services, which objective is to provide the order in the capital.

After, the President of Turkmenistan gave floor to Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev.the Head of capital administration reported on the fulfilment oof assignments for further improvement of the main city of the country, provision of favourable environment, creation of parks and green zones, preparation to coming events.

After the floor for report was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministes Ch. Purchekov. The Vice-premier reported that according to the plan initiated by the Leader of the nation, large-scale measures are implemented for improvement of architectural image of Ashgabat. Construction of new residential complexes, reconstruction of existing engineering and technical systems are carried out in the capital. Proper work for development of road and transport infrastructure of the city, improvement of avenues, streets, parks and territories surrounding social and cultural facilities is also carried out.

Relative measures for provision of coordinated activity of municipal and other profile services, systematic modernization of energy and water supply systems of the capital are taken.

Summing up the session, during which some shortages in the work of Ashgabat administration have been highlighted and orders on their correction have been given, the Head of the State noted that if these deficiencies would be eliminated soon, our white-marble capital would change more and would turn into city comfortable for living of people. At the same time, it was highlighted that integrated activity carried out by the Government of the country is also aimed at solution of this objective to provide prosperous and peaceful life of Turkmen citizens.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished everybody strong health, happy life and great success in work.